永谷宗円が開発した「製茶法」が認められ、宇治茶が日本を代表するお茶に The "tea making method" developed by Soen Nagatani was recognized, and Uji tea became Japan's leading tea.
The season for picking tea is coming soon. New tea is picked once a year and starts around 88 nights, which is the 88th day counting from the beginning of spring. This year, that day is May 1st. Depending on the tea, the location, and the temperature may shift the time.
In Ujitawara Town, Kyoto, which is said to be a sacred place for tea, a tea picking experience is held every year. Ujitawara Town is the birthplace of "Soen Nagatani" who made Uji tea known to the world by developing the "Aosei-sencha manufacturing method" in which the picked sprouts are steamed or boiled and dried in the sun. When Soen brought the tea made by the tea-making method to Edo and entrusted the sale to Kahei Yamamoto, a tea dealer, it quickly became popular, and it is said that "Uji Sencha" has become one of Japan's leading teas. ing.
The tea dealer, Kahei Yamamoto, is the first president of Yamamotoyama Co., Ltd. In 1738, he approved the tea-making method of Soen Nagatani in Yuyadani, Ujitawara-go, Yamashiro Province, and called Uji tea "Tenkaichi". The "Uji manufacturing method" that has been passed down to this day is a designated cultural property of Kyoto Prefecture. And several years ago, it has begun to move toward registration as a world cultural heritage.
上) 永谷宗円(Soen Nagatani) 下) 永谷宗円生家 & 生家の茶畑
The "The first New Tea" harvested in late April every year is demonstrated by the Hand Fir Preservation Society using a traditional roasting furnace, and technical training on machine fir tea using a tea making machine. ing. This workshop marks the beginning of this year's Ujitawara new tea season.
宇治田原町茶畑 (Tea plantation in the Uji-tawaracho)
レポート / 渡邉雄二 写真 / 宇治茶画像・宇治田原町画像より転載 Reported by Yuji Watanabe Photos by Uji-cha photo