ウソのようなホントの話がまとまる。クロアチア大統領が、一人の日本人武道家に面会を熱望。 【南武道 追想】 The true story like a lie is collected. President of Croatia aspires to meet a Japanese martial artist.
フランス在住の武道家 南部義尚氏、今年の4月に77歳で永眠された。渡仏し半世紀、武道家一筋の人生に終止符がうたれた。大学を卒業と同時に、フランスの空手道場の招聘で渡仏し、各道場の師範代として活躍された後に、独自の武道流派「南武道」を創設。ヨーロッパ全域、北欧、東欧、アフリカ等の諸国に南武道が拡大されていった。現在は、フランスを中心に各諸国で道場が運営されている。
Yoshihisa Nambu, a martial artist living in France, died at the age of 77 this April. Half a century after traveling to France, the life of a martial artist was ended. Upon graduating from university, he went to France at the invitation of a French karate dojo, and after being active as a master of each dojo, he founded his own martial arts dojo, “Nanbu martial arts”. Nanbudo martial arts were expanded throughout Europe, to countries such as Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, and Africa. Currently, dojos are operated in each country, mainly in France.
Exactly 15 years ago, I was visited by people from the World Federation to open a Japanese branch in Kobe, the hometown of Mr. Nanbu. In Kobe, a friend invited me to see a demonstration. With that in mind, a relationship with Mr. Nanbu was born.
During my long relationship, I was able to experience many unexpected events and experiences. Let me introduce one of them.
It was an unexpected event that you wouldn't normally experience. Shortly after the year 2008, three years after the activities of the Japanese branch began, things started with a single phone call from the Embassy of Croatia in Japan.
7 borders, 6 republics, 5 ethnic groups, 4 languages, 3 religions, 2 letters, 1 federal state. Speaking of which, "former Yugoslavia" prospered as a country in Eastern Europe.
It is a region and country that is a little unfamiliar to Japan. There is a country that became independent in 1991 from the Yugoslavia. That is the Republic of Croatia.
This year is certainly the year when the Soviet Union collapsed. It was an era when the country collapsed due to a major revolution in Eastern Europe such as the Soviet Union and Germany. There are many areas in which change was accompanied by great sacrifices. One of them is Yugoslavia. Independent of Yugo, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Croatia started as a single nation.
左側の写真 / 神戸の日本南武道メンバー 右側の写真 / クロアチア・メシッチ大統領(当時は議員 右端)
In January 2008, a phone call from the Embassy of Croatia in Japan reported that President Stievan Mesic of Croatia would then visit Japan in the spring. It was a mysterious thing to do with the visit to Japan and how we were involved with the Japanese Nambu Martial Arts. In a number of telephone exchanges, the embassy staff said, "When the President visits Japan, he wants to visit the Nambu Budo Dojo."
私は、驚くというよりは “ウソだろう” と心の中で叫んだ。と同時に、視察していただく立派な道場はない。神戸の神社の社務所の二階を借りて数人で稽古をしている程度なのだが、という趣旨の説明をさせていただいた記憶がある。
I screamed in my mind, "I lie," rather than surprise. At the same time, there is no good dojo to visit. I rented the second floor of the shrine office of a shrine in Kobe and practiced with only a few people, but I remember that I explained that.
Nevertheless, it seems that the President had a strong desire to visit Japan because it is the holy ground of martial arts in Japan, let alone the birthplace of the Nanbu martial arts owner. In the end, visiting Kobe on schedule with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not come true.
Furthermore, at a later date, a call was received from the embassy and the president said, "If the visit to the dojo does not come true, I would love to see the Nanbu dojo." Even if the president of a country personally intends, the importance of things will grow over time. Immediately, at my discretion, I couldn't do anything about it, so I called the lord of Mr. Nanbu of Paris and told him about the situation. The owner received the answer, "If I decided to have an audience and the schedule was decided, I would go to Japan."
With that in mind, we will be invited to the welcome dinner party on the second night of the President's visit to Japan in coordination with the Embassy of Japan again and again. In addition, an amazing audience schedule was reported. It's an audience with your knees abutting. You can have that time for an hour of breakfast the morning after the welcome party. It was "I want to have breakfast together".
神戸道場 南部道主とメンバー スイスから来日している女性指導者エミーナ先生
Nanbu Martial Arts is a martial art that was born and grew up in Europe. Croatia is also very enthusiastic and has many dojos, disciples and enthusiasts. It seems that President Mesic was also one of his disciples (the Diet members at the time). Even so, I have no choice but to feel the deep trust of the president in the Nanbu Lords. Such bonds were cultivated and nurtured over many years. The real story like that lie was about to come together.
(to be continued)
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe