e-よこ会を支える地元の力【e-よこ会活動シリーズⅢ】 Local power to support e-Yokokai
"E-Yokoyo Shoyo 2019" starts today. Today, the first day, the event began with a cruise on the Yodo River and Higashi-Yokobori River, and an event such as the Gyokushusai 100th Anniversary Special at the Aoyama Building in Fushimimachi.
e-よこ逍遥イベントは、大阪 東横堀川水辺の再生を図るため10年前に始まった。当時は、各地で地域再生のイベントが自治体を中心に活発な動きをみせていたが、沈滞ムードのなか思うようにまとまらなかった地域も多いようである。
The e-Yokoyo Shoyo event started 10 years ago to revitalize the waterside of the Higashi-Yokobori River in Osaka. At that time, regional revitalization events were actively moving around the local governments, but it seems that there are many areas that did not come together as expected in the stagnation mood.
Meanwhile, the fact that the e-Yokokai is still continuing is a result of the efforts and support of the people around the local area. Thanks to that, it contributes greatly to improving the environment, providing topics, and beautifying the city.
After taking over from the local government and related organizations, it is most important to continue the passion for city revitalization. The point is nothing but the strength of the "local love" of the inhabitants of the city and the people of the companies rooted in the area. If the desire to create a beautiful city where people can live comfortably continues and deepens, the power of the city should naturally spring up.
This morning, the first day of the e-Yokoyo Shoyo event was celebrated with the cleaning of the locals. There is no doubt that this cleaning has led to the vitality of the e-Yokokai.
リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe