関西ジャズ界の大御所、大塚善章さんのジャズトークを久しぶりに拝聴 Listen to the jazz talk by Zensho Otsuka, a great figure in the Kansai jazz world, for the first time in a while
On Saturday, the 23rd of last month, I hurriedly moved to Honmachi, Osaka, after the Kobe class of Buddhist painting mandala art.
I was looking forward to seeing Zensho Otsuka, a great jazz figure in the Kansai region, for the first time in a while.
He is an 87-year-old jazz pianist who trains young people, and as the chairman of the Kansai Jazz Association, he is fully committed to the development of the jazz world. Even now, he organizes Zensho Otsuka quartet and trio, and is performing live activities mainly in Kansai.
大塚善章さんと奥様のフリーアナウンサーである紀平真理さんが、大塚さんが所蔵する膨大なジャズレコードコレクションの中から、1930,40年代のスウィングジャズを聴きながらジャズ談義を披ろう。一つはベニーグットマンの「THE HITS OF BENNY GOODMAN」。もう一枚はカウントベイシーのLP盤。ジャズファンにとっては震える二枚である。
The community FM station in Chuo-ku, Osaka (YES-fm) was held at the newly opened β Honmachibashi along the Honmachibashi River in the Higashi-Yokobori River to hear the live voice after the emergency declaration due to the coronavirus was lifted. I went the public recording of his own program "Ojazzuke in a couple".
Zensho Otsuka and his wife, freelance announcer Mari Kihira, will talk about jazz while listening to swing jazz in the 1930s and 1940s from Otsuka's vast collection of jazz records. One is "THE HITS OF BENNY GOODMAN" by Benny Goodman. The other is the LP version of Count Basie. For jazz fans, these are two trembling pieces.
And the guest who appeared there was Mr. Masatoshi Ueba, a drummer who is also a member of the Zensho Otsuka quartet. He participated in the "Osaka Jazz Festival" held at the Osaka City Central Public Hall on December 5th.
While l was intoxicated by the swing rhythm, l listened to Mr. Otsuka's jazz discussion for the first time in a while. Fluent talk is the same as before. 70 years involved in jazz. The jazz story that emanates from the experience was deep in my body.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 場所/ 大阪・β本町橋 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe