
茶の効能を詠った茶詩。一煎ごとの妙味。【雑感Ⅳ】 A tea poem that describes the efficacy of tea. The deliciousness of each time.


The axes in the photo are filled with kanji. I didn't understand it at all. So I asked teacher to explain it.
What l have learned is that it is a tea poem that skillfully describes the efficacy of Chinese tea. It seems to be one of the greatest tea poems in the history of Chinese tea. The author is a person called "Rodo" in the Tang Dynasty. What is written is the efficacy of Chinese tea. If you translate a small part of it,

三碗飲んで、俺のはらわたの中を探ってみると 文字五千巻が浮かんでくるだけ。
四碗飲めば、軽く汗ばみ 平素の不満も毛穴に向かって散っていく。
七碗で、もうこれ以上飲めなくなり ただ、両脇からそよそよと清風が起こるだけ。

If you drink the first bowl, it will moisturize your throat.
If you drink the second bowl, loneliness will disappear.
When I drank the third bowl and explored the inside of me, I could only see 5,000 letters.
If you drink fourth bowl, you will sweat lightly, and dissatisfaction with the plain will disperse toward the pores.
Drink the fifth bowl to cleanse your skin and bones.
If you drink the sixth bowl, you will feel like a hermit.
I can't drink any more in the seventh bowl, but a gentle breeze from both sides.

日本でもこの茶詩に従ったのか、仙人にもなった気分を楽しむために六煎まで淹れることもよくある。 ただ、煎茶会では多くても四煎までだから、平素の不満を解消して帰っていただける、という話になる。

Even in Japan, I often brew up to the sixth time to enjoy the feeling of becoming a hermit, whether or not I followed this tea poem. However, it is said that at the Tea ceremony, at most, it is up to the 4th time, so you can get rid of your dissatisfaction and return.

煎茶は、急須に茶葉をいれて湯を注ぐ。湯がなくなれば湯を足す。それを6回も注ぎ足すと想像どおり苦くなる。そして、お茶を淹れる前の気分で 、今日は何煎まで、という淹れ方をする。一煎ごとの味の違いを楽しむものである。これが、妙味。ぜひ、お試しあれ。

For Sencha, add tea leaves to a teapot and pour hot water. When there is no hot water, add hot water. If you add it 6 times, it becomes bitter as expected. Then, as if you were brewing tea, how many times you have today. Enjoy the difference in the taste of each times. This is mysterious. Please do try that out.



レポート & 写真  /  渡邉雄二

Reported &  Photo by Yuji Watanabe

