
「β本町橋」都会の水辺リゾートとして様々な活動がスタート "βHonmachibashi" Various activities started as an urban waterside resort

この街に行くと必ず立ち寄るのがアイスクリーム屋のゼー六さん。(前回と同じ書出しになり恐縮です) 大阪人なら知らない人はいないほどの名物店である。何年かぶりに懐かしのモナカアイスを賞味。1個100円だったのが、消費税分が加算され110円になっていた。
当時、先代が窓口に立っていた時は、いつも金額のあとに大阪おやじギャグ(?) のような声掛け(例/ 100万両)し、お客さんを笑わせていたのを思い出した。

The other day, I went to Osaka for the first time in a long time. To Sakaisuji Hommachi, where I went for many years until 10 years ago.
Whenever I go to this town, I always stop by Mr. Zeroku, an ice cream shop. (I'm sorry for the same writing as last time.) It's a specialty store that no one in Osaka knows. l enjoy the nostalgic Monaka ice cream for the first time in years. The price was 100 yen per piece, but the consumption tax was added to make it 110 yen. At that time, when the predecessor was standing at the counter, I remembered that after the amount of money, he always called out like an Osaka gag (?) (Example / hundred manryo) and made the customers laugh.


After eating monaka ice cream, head to the desired "β Honmachibashi".
"βHonmachibashi" is the base facility of a waterside resort completed on the north side of Honmachibashi, which spans the intersection of Higashi-Yokobori River and Honmachi-dori, which runs between Sakaisuji and Matsuyamachisuji on the north-south main road.
It seems that various activities are planned from now on, starting from β Honmachibashi. You can set up a tent on a board that floats on the surface of the water and enjoy a water camp, bring lunch boxes and other products to the stalls for sale, and use the second floor of the facility or the boat room that floats on the river as a rental room. And what is unique is that you can enjoy lunch made by the store that changes every day. In addition, a β Honmachibashi cruise is planned during the holiday season.
As a waterside resort in the middle of the city, it is attracting attention as a facility that proposes an unprecedented way of enjoying.





リポート & 写真/ 渡邉雄二 場所/ βHonmachibashi Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

