
世界でひとつの手製「御守りお札」をつくる Make one handmade "Omamori Fuda" in the world


As you know, there is a Buddha named Mamori-honson in each zodiac. Since I am a year old, "Monju Bosatsu" is the main deity. At the Buddhist painting mandala art experience meeting, the principal deity of the participants (as far as l can understand) is copied and a guardian tag is created. At the Heirin-ji Shabutsu experience meeting the other day, I copied Shaka Nyorai because the main Buddha of Heirin-ji is the statue of Shaka Nyorai.


As for the subject of tomorrow's Buddhist painting Mandara Art Kobe classroom, since the principals of the participants are known, l prepared the Buddhist paintings of each of them. I chose four Buddhist paintings, Dainichi Nyorai, Amida Nyorai, Senju Kanzeon Bosatsu, and Fugen Bosatsu, especially this time with colorful Buddhist painting samples.


The outer paper used for the guard tag created this time is Japanese paper with a slightly thicker pattern. Copy the Buddha on Japanese paper as thin as possible and color it. Draw a circle around the Buddhist painting with ink or red ink. After drawing a Buddhist painting, paste it in the center of the inside of the outer paper, put a thin Japanese paper on it again, and write the character of the guardian deity in the center. And I will write the Prajna Shinkyo in various shapes there. If you want to write vertically (photo), draw a vertical line with a pencil and erase the line when you finish writing. It may be fun to write in a radial pattern, or in a spiral pattern.

出来上がりは、般若心経が「扉」になり、その奥に本尊が安置(透けて見える)されているというイメージのお札である。そして最後に、外紙を折りお札になる。表には「干支仏 阿弥陀如来 様」と書き、柱や壁に張るのもよし、仏壇の引き出しに、また自分の身の周りに収めておくのも良い。自分だけの「御守りお札」として大切に保存、きっと、<あなた>を守ってくれることでしょう。

The finished product is a bill with the image that the Prajna Shinkyo becomes a "door" and the principal deity is enshrined (visible through) behind it. And finally, the outer paper is folded into a bill. You can write "Zodiac Buddha Amida Nyorai-sama" on the table and put it on a pillar or wall or put it in the drawer of the Buddhist altar or around you. It will be carefully saved as your own "guardian bill" and will surely protect <you>.


リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

