いまも、あの「フライングスカート」がM・モンローの象徴 秘蔵写真が神戸モダン寺で初展示 Even now, that "flying skirt" is a symbol of M. Monroe. Treasured photos are exhibited for the first time at Kobe Modern Temple
2016年の11月25日付の神戸新聞夕刊トップに「銀幕の華 神戸満喫」という大見出しが躍っていた。だれのことかとよく見ると、写真に「マリリン・モンロー」が芸者さんたちと笑顔で写っている。小見出しには、「60年前の秘蔵写真を初展示」と書かれている。
At the top of the evening edition of the Kobe Shimbun dated November 25, 2016, the headline "Enjoying Kobe in the Silver Curtain" was jumping. If you look closely at who you are, you can see "Marilyn Monroe" smiling with the geisha in the photo. The subheading says, "First exhibition of treasured photographs 60 years ago."
According to the Kobe newspaper, the late Marilyn Monroe, a Hollywood actress in the United States, visited Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe on her honeymoon 62 years ago when she married Joe DiMaggio, a major leaguer in the United States, for the second time. At that time, a treasured photo of her delighted while being entertained by a geisha at a restaurant in Hanakuma, which was the flower district of Kobe (at that time), will be exhibited for the first time on Sunday, 27th at "Modern Temple" in Chuo-ku, Kobe. It became a hot topic.
Speaking of Marilyn Monroe, that photo "Flying Skirt" taken by Sam Shaw. It is no exaggeration to say that these photographs paved the way for the world's greatest actresses. And she has been handed down as an actress who will remain in posterity.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 写真/ マリリン・モンロー画像より転載 写真記事/ 神戸新聞2016.11.25夕刊 Reported & Photos/ Yuji Watanabe