
千光寺の巨岩には時の鐘を偲ばせる歌などが刻まれている A song reminiscent of the bell of time is engraved on the giant rock of Senko-ji Temple.


The first place I visited during this trip to Onomichi was Senko-ji Temple on the hillside of Mt. Daiho, which overlooks the Onomichi Channel, which is also called the sea river. The plan was to go up on the ropeway, but the ropeway was suspended for safety inspection for 3 weeks from the day of visiting Onomichi. I wanted to enjoy the view from the ropeway, but I had to take a taxi. The boarding time was about 15 minutes and I arrived at the park entrance.


The purpose was to worship at Senko-ji Temple and to have the chief priest interview Senko-ji Temple and take a picture of the area around Senko-ji Temple. A magnificent view of the sea and mountains came into my eyes in a short distance from the park to Senko-ji Temple. Onomichi's famous stray cats welcomed me at the entrance of the park after getting off the taxi. Cats didn't come near or run away, cats sat on the bench with eyes as if cats was looking at a stranger.




Then, while looking sideways at the Onomichi City Museum of Art, head to the precincts of Senko-ji Temple. The view from the mountain road leading to the main hall shows a part of the reason why it is said to be a miniature garden city. An old man was standing there. I heard that the day starts with this scenery on the walk course every morning. For that person, it seems to be a landscape in their daily lives.




As I was walking, I saw a huge rock on the mountain surface. What caught my eye was a passage of a poetry engraved on the rock.

それは that is


Iwa no mani
Furui Hotoke no Sumitamafu
Senkojiyama Kasumitarikeri


There was a wooden board signboard next to it, so if you refer to it- It was a poetry written by a person named Kosugi Hoan. A painter who was active in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras, this poetry was written when he visited Onomichi after the end of the war.


And the poetry was engraved on the rock beyond that.


The bell of Senko-ji Temple, which is famous for its sound
we can hear ichiri and niri


It seems that the author is unknown, but it is one of the poetries that have been sung in Minato Onomichi (Riyo / folk songs, Satouta, folk songs). The bell at the time of Senko-ji is unforgettable for those who grew up in Onomichi. It is said that the people who worked on board the ship offshore were also encouraged to hear the sound of this bell.



Joya no kane echoes in the surrounding mountains and Onomichi Suido from Senko-ji Temple in the mountain sky at an altitude of 140 m in New Year's Eve. The priest's sutra chanting begins at 22:30, followed by the joya no kane. At 24:00, eight bells will ring to announce the new year of 2022. The sound of the bell will ring in the mountains and towns of Onomichi as a guardian bell for a year's safety prayer.

尾道 年賀状

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

尾道・文化紀行ブログ/ https://asulight0911.com/hiroshima_onomichi/
