西本願寺の魅力。 “調心” “調息” の場として。 The charm of Nishi Hongan-ji. As a place for “preparing heart” and “preparing breath”.
Gentle in countenance and loving in speech (wagen aigo). This word was posted on the signboard on the gate of Nishi Hongan-ji Temple.
Wagen Aigo is a word found in "The Great Thousands of Sutras", and seems to be a way of treating people with a calm smile and compassion talk.
As you know, Nishi Hongan-ji Temple has many national treasures and important cultural property buildings centered around the national treasures Amidado and Mikagedo. Nishi Hongan-ji is the main temple of the Hongan-ji group of the Jodo Shinshu sect. My birthplace also belongs to the sect of the Jodo Shinshu sect. For that reason, I often visit Nishi Hongan-ji Temple.
Another reason l often go to Nishi Hongan-ji is that we can relax in the spacious main hall (Amidado and Mikagedo). As you can see, you can feel the fresh air as if you were surrounded by nature. So simply relaxing is a very precious time for me. I enjoy it as a time for "preparing heart” and “preparing breath ".
When I worship, I come across it when the buddhist memorial service is run. The sutras of the monks echo in the main hall. This sound strangely fits into the mind and body. I don't know what inside is, but it seems like a mysterious drug for preparing heart.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 阿弥陀堂 Amidado at the Nishi Hongan-ji
Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe