
東寺、立体曼陀羅仏像がお引っ越し   Toji, the statue of the three-dimensional Mandala Buddha has moved


As I wrote in the previous article, To-ji Temple is a sacred place for Shingon esoteric Buddhism, centered on the Dainichi Nyorai statue, and 21 Buddha statues of Nyorai, Bodhisattva, Myoo, and Tenbu are enshrined to form a three-dimensional mandala of the Buddha statue. That shows the presence of Toji as a Shingon esoteric temple. Buddhist statue fans who want to see the three-dimensional mandala are visiting To-ji from all over the country.

昨春、東寺を訪ねた折に、講堂に安置されている仏像の搬出作業が行われていて、その現場にたまたま出くわした。東寺講堂の総勢21体のうち16体が3月26日(2019年)から東京国立博物館で開催された「国宝 東寺 空海と仏像曼荼羅」に出展されるための引越し移動日だった。

Last spring, when I visited To-ji Temple, I happened to come across the scene where the Buddha statue encased in the auditorium was being unloaded. It was a moving day for 16 of the 21 To-ji auditoriums to be exhibited at "National Treasure To-ji Kukai and Buddha Mandala" held at the Tokyo National Museum from March 26 (2019).



仏像解体、搬出作業 /  Buddha statue dismantling, carrying out work


I was always interested in how the work of disassembling and packing Buddha statues was carried out, especially when carrying out national treasure-class cultural properties. I was told that there was a special team for carry-out and transport, but I was lucky enough to see the work scene. The parts of the Buddhist image are carefully removed by several people, and each one is packed and put in a wooden frame and fixed so that it cannot move.


I was watching the movement of the specialized staff of the transportation company. I thought that I would never come across such a scene again, so I wanted to shoot asexually. I asked the person in charge, To-ji, to take a picture. Then I got permission. I heard a voice saying, "I pretend I am not watching today."




For two months from the end of March, many people showed the three-dimensional mandala at the Tokyo National Museum, and a prayer for peace was sent from the land of Tokyo.
*The leaflet is reprinted from the website of Tokyo National Museum 

レポート & 写真 /  渡邉雄二

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

