舎利子の肖像画がひときわ目立つ。【比叡山延暦寺Ⅲ】 The portrait of Sharputra(sharishi) stands out.
The large auditorium in the east district of Enryaku-ji Temple was built at the same time when Saicho founded Enryaku-ji Temple, which was the Ichijyoshikanin (predecessor of Konponchudo). However, when it was burned by Nobunaga Oda in 1571, it burned down like other temples.
After that, it burned down due to repeated fires, and the present large auditorium was rebuilt in 1964 at Sanbutsudo (former Toshogu Honjido) in Sakamoto at the foot of the mountain and is designated as an important cultural property of the country.
The auditorium hall, Dainichi Nyorai, is enshrined in the hall. To the left and right of it are the statues of the ancestors of each sect trained at Mt. Hiei, such as Nichiren, Dogen, Eisai, Enchin, Honen, Shinran, Ryonin, Shinsei, Ippen.
釈尊の十大弟子の一人、舎利子の肖像画 / portraits of Shari Putra
In addition, portraits of Buddha and other respected people related to the Tendai sect are hung on the outside structure. Among the portraits of many esteemed people, the one who was most noticeable was the "Shari Putra Sonja", which is quite uncomfortable with other esteemed people. It is the " Shari Putra " whose name often appears in scriptures such as the Hannya Sutra. It is said that he was one of the 10 Great Disciples of Buddha and was a disciple whom Buddha had a great deal of trust. Of course, since it is an Indian, it is natural that the depth of carving of the face and hogi are different, but it may be unique to Enryakuji that such portraits are displayed.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & Photo by Yuji Watanabe