近江平野を臨む、神体山「太郎坊宮」のパワー。【淡海シリーズⅡ】 The power of "Tarobokyu Shrine", which faces the Omi Plain.
琵琶湖の湖東に「太郎坊宮」という神社がある。正式名は太郎坊・阿賀神社。昔から関西でのパワースポットの名所として知られている。TVでも紹介されているようなのでご存知の方も多いかもしれない。 その場所は、東近江の標高350mの赤神山の岩石が露出する断崖にある。見るからに神が宿る霊山として神秘的な雰囲気が感じられる。まさに神体山信仰の神社である。下から見上げると、山の断崖に神秘的な社が建ち並んでいる。
There is a shrine called "Tarobokyu" at the east of Lake Biwa. The official name is Tarobou Aga Shrine. It has long been known as a famous spot for power spots in Kansai. Many of you may know it because it was introduced on TV. The place is located on the cliff where the rocks of Mt. You can feel the mysterious atmosphere as a sacred mountain where God dwells. It is a shrine of the Shintaizan(Mountain of God) faith. Looking up from below, there are mysterious shrines lined up on the cliffs of the mountains.
“あれが、太郎防宮か!” と胸が高鳴った。
この太郎坊宮に祀られているのは、天照大御神の第一皇子神「正哉吾勝勝速日天忍穂耳大神」という神様と聞いた。その名前の “勝勝” に因んで勝利と幸福を授ける神様として信仰されている。
"That is Tarobokyu!"
I heard that the god of the first sun of the Amaterasu Omikkami is enshrined in this Tarobou shrine. It is worshiped as a god who confers victory and happiness in spite of its name "win and win".
Walking and climbing is a bit tricky for people with weak legs. From the trailhead to the main shrine, climb the 740 steps. The word from the locals that I could drive up halfway was like an encouragement of God.
Arriving in front of the shrine office, I got out of the car and started walking. It is a spiritual site of mountain worship, and I can't do any penance. When I finally went up, a 12m high monolith towered in front of the main shrine. The huge rock is a so-called rock with a crack that allows each person to pass through with the divine power. Now it is called Meotoiwa(couple), and it is said that the illness will be healed if you pass between them.
The Omi Plain seen from the main shrine on the cliff was golden when it was time to harvest rice. And there is a stage for performing Shinto rituals, Kagura, and Noh, and the landscape of the plains seen from the stage seems to have been unchanged. The shrine that enshrines the mountain as a sacred body feels a mysterious atmosphere. Certainly the air and the wind are different.
Only the legendary mountain where the tengu lived seemed to be cleansed both physically and mentally.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & Photo by Yuji Watanabe