
蓮は「清廉な恋」を連想させる。 【蓮シリーズⅢ】 Lotus is reminiscent of "pure love"

暑さが残る夜に、氷水で淹れた “雁が音(茶の種類)” が喉に沁みる。

On a hot night, a tea named Karigane(tea’s name) in ice water go through in your throat.
The first tea was described as "calling in love" and the second tea as "keeping love away". These words have contradictory meanings. Certainly, the first tea was mellow. The second tea had astringency and no mellowness. Sencha is said to be likened to the "love" of the subtle differences in the taste of tea.


The lotus was drawn on the axis at the Sencha party. And one branch of the reed. A big dragonfly was on the branch next to it. If the lotus flower is drawn, the "mandarin duck" is usually drawn.
Then why is it a "dragonfly"? Naturally, the meaning is hidden in this picture. Lotus is reminiscent of "love". The reed means "road". The dragonfly is a synonym for "clean".


お軸には、蓮・蘆・トンボが描かれています。/ in the axis are lotus and reed, dragonfly 


By the way, I was wondering what words would come to me if I knew so far, but unfortunately the answer did not come up.
The answer is "Ichiroseiren". It is an axis that depicts a pure and continuous love. (Unfortunately the photo is hard to see) It's a pleasure to look at the pictures and enjoy what you can imagine.

レポート &  写真  /  渡邉雄二

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

