伊藤若冲作の「釈迦如来坐像」を模写、驚きの出来映え 【仏画曼荼羅アート】 A copy of "Shaka Nyorai sitting statue" by Ito Jakuchu, surprising workmanship [Buddhist painting mandala art]
Last weekend, at the Kobe classroom of Buddhist painting mandala art, a task that combined the Chinese poetry of Li Bai's Shirasagi and Jizo Bodhisattva started. The brush was moving smoothly while hesitating to draw with the bodhisattva that they were not used to.
As usual, before the start, read the Heart Sutra and breathe. And everyone will show us the challenges of the previous month. I'm always looking forward to seeing what kind of work is finished.
The subject of the previous month was "Shaka Nyorai sitting statue" of the Shaka sanson statue, which was designated as a national treasure by Jakuchu Ito. The challenge was to copy this. I wanted to improve their technique by copying detailed Buddhist paintings. However, there are many places where the patterns and patterns of the hoi (monk costume) have disappeared and are hard to see, so I instructed them to create their own.
This is the two that was unfolded (photo). One person put the word " Compassion " on the Buddha statue. Both are amazing results. I can imagine that it was difficult, but the tone of speaking seems to be really fun. Although it is a copy, it is a fine work. Above all, I am glad that they enjoy making works. I'm looking forward to seeing how Bodhisattva and Li Bai's poems are intertwined next month.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 作品/ 神戸教室の皆さん Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe