釈迦堂に陽が注ぐ。 [比叡山延暦寺Ⅳ] The sun shines toward the Shakado
Shakado is the center of the western area of Enryaku-ji Temple. The official name is Tenporindo. The Buddha's Buddhist law lecture was named after the Buddha. It is known as "Shakado" because Shaka Nyorai is enshrined as its main deity. The main image is said to be the image of Shaka Nyorai, created by Saicho.
The west area is about 15 minutes walking from the east area. First, there is Sanoin and the temple of the Denkyo Daishi at the west area. And when l go down the long stone steps from the Ninai temple, it seems that Shakado stands quietly in the mountains.
When I visited Shakado and turned to the stone steps that had come down, the sun shines was pouring down on the stone steps through the trees from Ninai temple. I was moved by the beauty of nature. The sun shines was already hidden when I shot a little closer to the stone steps. (See photo)
一瞬、釈迦堂に下りる石段に陽が降り注ぐ / For a moment, the sunshines hits the stone steps down to Shakado
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & Photo by Yuji Watanabe