日々の思いをタオル筆で絵てがみに! Use a towel brush to draw the picture-letter your daily thoughts!
The other day, when I went to help bring in the works of the club presentation at the Izumisano City Lifelong Learning Center, the members who are taking care of the Buddhist painting mandala art challenged "Picture-letter" in addition to mandala production. is doing.
Every year, the Izumisano City Board of Education sponsors the "National Towel Brush Painting Picture-letter Contest" at the Ebuno Izuminomori Hall next to the Learning Center. It is scheduled to be held in May in Tokyo as well.
This is the first time I've seen a picture-letter drawn with a towel brush. 189 winning works were selected from a total of less than 2,000 entries from all over the country. Among them, the member was awarded the honorable mention.
Izumisano City and the surrounding cities, towns and villages are famous nationwide as towel producing areas, and the challenge is to create a picture-letter painting with a brush wrapped around disposable chopsticks.
今回のテーマが「明るく楽しい毎日を! あなたの大切なものは何ですか」というテーマに応募者の力作が勢ぞろい。作者のそれぞれの日々の思いや出来事が、「愛・喜び・笑顔・感謝」を絵や文字で綴っている。技法もさることながら構成力や表現力に感動、素晴らしい展覧会であった。
The theme of this time is "Bright and enjoyable everyday! What is your important thing?" Each day's thoughts and events of the author spell out "love, joy, smile, gratitude" with pictures and letters. I was impressed by the composition and expressiveness as well as the technique, and it was a wonderful exhibition.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & photos by Yuji wtanabe