
今生の想いが、紙上枯山水庭園に表現される The thoughts of this life are expressed in the Karesansui garden on paper.


Now, each Buddhist Mandala Art Class is also trying to express the Buddhist Mandala on the theme of Karesansui on paper. I can see the production process to some extent, so I would like to introduce a slightly unique work from the Kobe class. Assuming the Karesansui landscape garden as the theme, it is a work that expresses everything from birth to death with Buddhist paintings and a number of unique elements.


Some people are trying to express their lives mainly with letters and colors. It is a very unique idea. It was color-coded from the birth "birth" character to the next life. Among them, the "Musubu" at the time of marriage was white. I'm impressed with the colors. These letters are copied on Karesansui on paper.





Also, the other person started with the letters "life" and "heart", wrote to put hands together in between the letters, and drew an eye in the palm that stared at the world. In the water, "Kaiku" and "Shoken" were written, and in the final chapter, Yakushi Nyorai was written above and part of the Shingon scripture was written in Sanskrit. After being self-considered, it was finished in a wonderful Karesansui mandala.


Each thought of this modern life is expressed as a paper-based Karesansui landscape garden with its own original idea.

レポート & 写真 /  渡邉雄二   枯山水曼荼羅制作 /  神戸教室の生徒さん

Reported & Photos / Yuji Watanabe

Karesansui / Students of school in Kobe

