風水思想を色濃く反映している中華街の門。【横浜中華街Ⅲ】 The gate of Chinatown that strongly reflects the thought of Feng Shui.
In China, there is always a "gate" in every castle or temple. It is a Japanese torii gate and a temple gate, but its presence is extremely large. It seems that Feng Shui, which is rooted in the life of Chinese people as a root of Chinese culture, is greatly involved.
You can see the 10 gates in Yokohama Chinatown. The four main gates that were most affected by Feng Shui were the Choyo Gate in the east, the Suzaku Gate in the south, the Enpei Gate in the west, and the Genbu Gate in the north.
Upon investigation, the five-way theory, which is the basis of Feng Shui's thought, determines the “color” and “sacred beast” that represent each direction. East is "blue" and "blue dragon". South is "red" and "suzaku". West is "white" and "white tiger". And the north is "Gen (black)" and "Genbu". It is a magnificent main gate in which these motifs are brilliantly reflected.
Since ancient times in China, when the emperor built a castle, he opened a passage only in the east-south-west-north and placed a gate guard to watch the evil that entered the castle. They are colored with "blue, red, white and black", which are colors based on the yin and yang lines of "spring, summer, autumn and winter" and "morning, evening, night, and night", and it is said that four gods deeply believed by people as guardians of each direction were set up.
With China Town in Yokohama as a large castle, a cathedral is formed around the Kantei Mausoleum and Mausoleum, and there are many Chinese restaurants in the castle. The four main gates that protect them are built in the north, south, east, and west, and the guardian deity plays a major role in watching the evil and ensuring the prosperity and security of the castle (town). As you can see (photo), the gateposts are color-coded blue, red, white, and black.
The gate greets the sunrise. The Asahi covers the entire town and brings prosperity. The guardian deity is Blue dragon god. The color is blue.
It causes a great disaster and invites great fortune. The guardian deity is Suzaku god. The color is red.
We hope the peace and peace of peace will last forever. The guardian deity is the white tiger god. The color is white.
Bring prosperity to the offspring. The guardian deity is Genbu god. The color is black.
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Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe