仏画と文字を重ねることで違うものが見えてくる By overlapping the Buddhist paintings with the Sutras, finding different things.
In addition to the fun of drawing Buddhist paintings, by superimposing the Heart Sutra and sutras on the Buddhist paintings, the intention of the Buddhist painting mandala can be seen little by little. By visiting the temple, students came to see something different than before.
そんな声が皆さんから聞こえてくる。仏像の姿や顔や形など、そしてその仏像の役割などに興味を持つキッカケになるようだ。毎回、課題はあるものの、その表現は自由に。という趣旨でさせていただいている。が、 “自由” というものは難しい。自分で探すことが必要になってくる。それを楽しいと思えるようになっていただければ嬉しい。
I hear such a voice from students. It seems that they will be interested in the appearance, face and shape of the Buddha statue, and the role of the Buddha statue. There are challenges each time, but you can express them freely. I am doing it to the effect. However, "freedom" is difficult. They will have to find it yourself. I hope them find it fun.
The works this time are all those that make a feel that. One of them is to challenge the Buddha statue of the Buddha Sanzon statue (national treasure) drawn by Jakuchu Ito in each classroom. Since it is old, the patterns and lines are not clear. Each part is created by each. Also, since each touch draws, the facial expression will be different. It's fun to watch. It will be the work of the person who drew it.
Elsewhere, the sun statue and moon statue, which belong to the Twelve Devas, are drawn on both sides, and the blank in the center is instructed to express something on their own. Then they brought such a work (photo). I think they have taken another step forward.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 場所/ 仏画曼荼羅アート泉佐野教室 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe