向源寺の国宝 十一面観音像に魅了される Fascinated by the eleven-faced Kannon statue, a national treasure of Kougen-ji
Among those who participate in the Butsunichi-ji classroom of Buddhist painting mandala art, there is a person who has been carving Buddhist statues for more than ten years as a hobby. The other day, I had you bring the carved Buddha statue. One is the statue of King Nio, and the other is the statue of Eleven-faced Kannon.
The Buddha statue (pictured) brought was made as a sample of the eleven-faced Kannon statue, a national treasure at Kougen-ji Temple (formerly known as Togan-ji Temple) in Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture.
He said, "It's still embarrassing to show it to people," but I was surprised at how well it worked. The one in Kougen-ji is characterized by the face of a violent laughter behind the head of the Buddha statue, which was also reflected beautifully.
While looking at the Buddha statues he brought, I remembered that I had visited several Buddha statues, such as the eleven-faced Kannon statue at Kougen-ji Temple.
There are seven statues of the eleven-faced Kannon Bodhisattva, a national treasure, nationwide. One of them is the Kannon statue of Kougen-ji Temple in Nagahama City. The eleven-faced Kannon is said to have ten or eleven facets overhead and embody the work of the eleven-faced Kannon. The Kannon statue at Kougenji is characterized by a bodhisattva on the head and a laughing face behind it, which conveys the feeling of an Indian Buddha statue peculiar to esoteric Buddhist statues.
It is said. Furthermore, the charm of the eleven-faced Kannon image is the beauty of standing. As you can see, it is said that the place where the hips are shaken and twisted is beautiful. It doesn't matter what gender you are, but it is definitely a feminine statue of Buddha.
There is a temple called "Shakudo-ji" about 15 minutes by car from Kougen-ji. There are three eleven-faced Kannon Bodhisattvas here, one of which is a zelkova wooden Kannon statue, which is an important cultural property. The lovely appearance with bright crimson on the lips is eye-catching.
In terms of the number of national treasures and important cultural properties, Shiga Prefecture is the fourth largest after Tokyo, Kyoto and Nara. There are various theories, but it is said that the abundance of wood and the area suitable for drying and preserving wood are the biggest. Another major reason seems to be that it is close to Kyoto and Nara. When the corona is over, I definitely want to enjoy a trip to explore Koto, Kohoku, and Kosei.
A temple with seven national treasure eleven-faced Kannon statues
向源寺 滋賀県 Kougen-ji Temple Shiga Prefecture
六波羅蜜寺 京都府 Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple Kyoto Prefecture
観音寺 京都府 Kannon-ji Temple, Kyoto Prefecture
法華寺 奈良県 Hokke-ji Temple Nara Prefecture
聖林寺 奈良県 Shorin-ji Temple Nara Prefecture
室生寺 奈良県 Murou-ji Temple Nara Prefecture
道明寺 大阪府 Domyo-ji Temple Osaka Prefecture
リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 向源寺・石道寺の写真 / ネットフリー画像より転載 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe