めざす曼陀羅の世界 Aiming for the world of Mandala
その時のメンバーのひとりの方が、次の講座日に、行った時の思い出にと家で描かれ一枚をコソッと出された。皆さんにもぜひ披ろうしましょ、と声かけたが、 “ 個人的に描いたものだから。恥ずかしいから、いいの ! ” という返事が返ってきた。
Two years ago, around this time, I went on a tour of Buddhist statues at To-ji Temple and Daihoon-ji Temple in Kyoto with the members of the Kobe classroom of Buddhist painting mandala art.
One of the members at that time was drawn at home as a memory of the time she went on the next lecture day, and one piece was snapped out. I asked her to show it to everyone, but I got a reply saying, "It is a personal drawing. It is embarrassing, so it is okay!"
As you can see, the work was excellent. I was impressed to see the work. This seemed to be the true value of the Buddhist painting mandala. Expressing what you feel and see with Buddhist paintings, drawings, and letters (Prajna Shinkyo) becomes a living mandala of the person who drew it. I felt like I was told that.
In addition to the sitting statue of Amida Nyorai, the work included the five-storied pagoda of Toji Temple that we visited and the torii gate of Yashimaden next to it. This is a Buddhist painting mandala art work that emphasizes originality. Speaking of sutras and sutras, it is the world of mandala that we aim to weave what we see and feel in Buddhist paintings and sutras.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 制作 / 仏画曼荼羅アート神戸教室生徒さん Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe