
巨岩と信仰の場が伝説を生む。【大宝山千光寺伝説Ⅱ】 Huge rocks and places of worship give birth to legends. [Legend of Senkoji Temple II]


There is Senko-ji Temple on the slope of Mt. Daiho. At that time, it probably was a big existence as a temple of mountain worship. There are many legends there. The "giant rock" introduced last time seems to be the root of the legend.
Last time, "Tama no Iwa" was introduced as the first of "Legend of Daihozan Senko-ji". And this time, I will introduce some of the many giant rocks that have created legends like the Tama no Iwa.


One of them is "Tsuzumiiwa" on the west side of Senko-ji Temple. It is also known as "pom-pom rock", and when you hit the rock with a stone, it makes a sound similar to a drum, so it came to be called. I don't know why it makes such a sound, but it seems that the inside is hollow to imagine.
As you can see (see the photo), there are traces of wedges on this pompon rock to break the rock to carry it out as stone wall material at the time of the construction of Osaka Castle. I'm not good at high places, and although I didn't go up to the rocks, when I heard the sound of hitting, I felt the mystery.




While strange rocks such as giant rock triplerock and monolith rock are exposed, "Kagamiiwa" has created a particularly different atmosphere. This mirror rock was also worshiped as an object of worship. There is a legend that it reflected the brilliance of the jewels of the ball rock introduced last time,and also reflected the light of the sun and the moon like a mirror to illuminate the mountains and the islands of Setouchi. It goes without saying that the mirror is an object of deep faith, just as it is said that a god dwells in a rock.




そしてもう一つ印象に残った岩がある。それは「梵字岩」。五代将軍 徳川綱吉公の帰依僧である浄厳和尚が千光寺を訪れたときに、彫り遺されたものだという。円形の中に光明真言、大日如来真言の梵字が刻まれている。光明真言曼陀羅というものである。

And there is another rock that left an impression on me. That is "Bonjiiwa". It is said that it was carved when Jōgan Osho, a devoted monk of the fifth shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, visited Senko-ji Temple. The Mantra of Light and the Mantra of Dainichi Nyorai are engraved in the circle. It is called the Mantra of Light Mandala.




Furthermore, there is a trace that Senko-ji was a training ground for the trainees, "Mt. Kusari (Mt. Ishizuchi)". It is a rocky mountain that I introduced in the previous photo. At the top is the Ishizuchi Gongen yashiro, which climbs while squeezing the chains. The view from the yashiro is different from that of the main hall.




Anyway, Mt. Daiho is a mountain of giant rocks. If there is such a giant rock and there is a place of worship there, a legend will be born. It may be a feature of Setouchi, a treasure trove of nature.





リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二・千光寺HP 千光寺資料/ 千光寺HP参照  Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

