二尊院は、世界が違う「釈迦如来」と「阿弥陀如来」を本尊として祀る Nison-in enshrines "Shaka Nyorai" and "Amida Nyorai", which are different in the world, as the principal Buddha statue.
Nison-in Temple is surrounded by a beautiful landscape over 1,200 years at the foot of Mt. Ogura, which was written in Hyakunin Isshu. It is called Nison-in Temple because it is a temple that enshrines the two principal buddha statue of "Shaka Nyorai" and "Amida Nyorai". Officially, it is called "Ogurayama Nison-in Temple".
“紅葉の二尊院” の言われるくらい、京都紅葉観光では外せないスポットになっている。極楽往生を目指す人を此岸から送る「発遺の釈迦」と、彼岸へと迎える「来迎の阿弥陀」の遺迎二尊が同じ須弥壇に祀られているのは珍しい。ぜひ、見てみたいという思いに駆られ、この時期にも関わらず思い切って出かけた。
It is a must-see spot for sightseeing in Kyoto, as it is said to be "Nison-in Temple of Autumn Leaves". It is rare that the "Shaka of Hakken" who sends people aiming for paradise from this bank and the "Amida of Raigo" who welcomes to the equinoctial week are enshrined in the same Sumidan. I took the plunge and went out by the desire to see it, and despite this time of year.
It is said that this statue were made by the Kasuga Buddhist priest in the middle of the Kamakura period. It is enshrined in the center of the main hall, with the statue of Shaka Nyorai on the right and the statue of Amida Nyorai on the left. A bilaterally painted statue of gold paint and eyeballs is watching over the precincts.
双方の本尊は全く違うの世界の仏で、釈迦如来が穢土(えど)、つまり 私たちが生きている娑婆の世界で、一方、阿弥陀如来は浄土(じょうど)、つまり仏が住んでいるとされる世界である極楽浄土のことをいう。正反対ながら我々を救済するという目的と願いは全く同じ。ただ、アプローチが違うだけなのである。
The two principal statue are Buddhas in a completely different world, and Shaka Nyorai is the world of the Buddha, that is the world, we live in, while Amida Nyorai is the Pure Land, that is, the Buddha lives. It refers to the world of paradise. On the contrary, the purpose and wish to rescue us are same. The only difference is the approach.
In front of such two statues, I prayed for my salvation now and after death, and I joined hands, but I feel like I made a slightly greedy prayer ...
リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe