仏画と般若心経で心と体が整う Buddhist paintings and the Heart Sutra keep your mind and body in order
Writing the Heart Sutra calms the "mind and body". "Mind and body" become calm and calm. It's probably about a hour of concentration and the power of letters. To put it in a mundane experience expression other than words, it is that feeling when you get out of the sauna bath and cool your body in the water bath. It's my personal metaphor, so I'm aware that each one is different. Furthermore, if you repeat the sauna and water bath, your mind and body will be mysteriously prepared.
In the Buddhist painting mandala art class, the previous task was to create a mandala with Dainichi Nyorai and 4 Bodhisattva. It was a combination of the Buddha statue and the Heart Sutra, with the Dainichi Nyorai statue in the center, the Kanjizai Bodhisattva statue, the Fugen Bodhisattva statue, the Monjushri Bodhisattva statue, and the Miroku Bodhisattva statue.
The statue of Dainichi Nyorai in the center is placed in the center, and in front of it, the 276-character Heart Sutra is added like a door. The statue of Dainichi Nyorai is expressed as an image enshrined in the back of the Heart Sutra as if it were wrapped in a scripture.

l arranged the ones that everyone in each classroom challenged and finished. There was a new discovery in this task. Since it is a large work, the Heart Sutra will naturally be written in a large size. It is obvious that each character is carefully written with thought while looking at the sample. The people who finished it at home are full of power in the pictures and letters. One step forward. It was a finished work with a well-organized mind and body.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 制作/ 仏画曼陀羅アート教室の皆さん Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe