関雪記念館の煎茶会で、「ムーラン」と「呉昌碩」を語る 【一茶庵煎茶追想】 Talking about "Mulan" and "Wu Changshuo" at the Sencha party at the Kansetsu Memorial Hall
Yesterday, a sencha party co-sponsored by Hakusasonso Hashimoto Kansetsu Memorial Museum of Art and Bunjin Sencha / Issa-an was held, and I participated as a helper. On a sunny Sunday in the rainy season, two times were held in the museum and the Zonkoro from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
美術館では、大正7年に描かれた関雪の名作といわれる「木蘭(ムーラン)」をガラスケースから取り出し、関雪のお孫さんにあたる橋本家御当主橋本眞次氏が “関雪の世界” を朗々と披ろう。そして関雪がこよなく愛した煎茶を来場者とともに堪能。 この「木蘭(ムーラン)」の話になると、ご当主も力が入る。中国に伝わる民話で老病の父に代わり、娘の木蘭が男装して従軍。各地で勲功を上げ、自軍を勝利に導いて帰郷するというストーリーのもの。
At the museum, "Mulan", which is said to be a masterpiece of Kansetsu drawn in 1918, will be taken out of the glass case, and Shinji Hashimoto, the head of the Hashimoto family, who is the grandson of Kansetsu, will show off the "world of Kansetsu". And enjoy the sencha that Kansetsu loved with the visitors.
When it comes to this "Mulan", the head of the family is also involved. In a folk tale handed down in China, his daughter, Mulan, dressed as a man and served in place of her sick father. The story is about earning merit in various places, leading your army to victory and returning home.
A scene in which Mulan and her servant are resting her horse on her way home. Mulan, who takes off her helmet in the shade of a tree a little away from her servant and returns to the girl's gentle face for a moment, is depicted in bright ultramarine clothes.
一方、存古楼では、一茶庵宗家嫡承 佃梓央氏が関雪と親交があった、近代中国の大文人・呉昌碩(ごしょうせき)の名筆を、美術館同様にガラスケースから取りだし、読み解きながら解説。呉昌碩を通し関雪の文人画家として生き様を紹介した。
On the other hand, in the Zonkoro, the masterpiece of modern Chinese literary master Wu Changshuo, whom Mr. Tsukuda Issa-an Soke had a close relationship with Kansetsu, was taken out from the glass case and read as in the museum. While commentary. Through Wu Changshuo, he introduced his way of life as a literary artist of Kansetsu.
At this seat, the finest gyokuro touched the throat.
When I wore a kimono for the first time in a long time, my movement slowed down.But the garden with a view of the Daimonji made me forget the heat and humidity peculiar to Kyoto.
リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 場所 / 白沙村荘 橋本関雪記念美術館 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe