
カワセミを眺めながら、冷水で淹れる煎茶を愉しむ。 Enjoy sencha brewed with cold water while watching the kingfisher.

「翡翠」と書けば、誰しもが宝石の “ヒスイ” と読む人が多いだろう。この漢字は別の読み方がある。水鳥の “カワセミ” とも読む。

If you write "jade," most people will read it as a "jade" a jewel. There is another way to read this kanji. Also read as the waterfowl “kingfisher”.

煎茶席で掛けられていたお軸(写真)には、カワセミが一羽絵描かれていた。背中の羽の部分が鮮やかな水色、お腹部分がオレンジ色で、ブルーのくちばしが長いのが特徴の鳥である。羽は光によってエメラルドグリーンのように輝くブルーに変化するのも魅力で、 宝石の翡翠にたとえ “水辺の青い宝石” と呼ばれている。

One kingfisher was drawn on the axis (pictured) that was hung at the Sencha seat. The bird is characterized by its bright blue wings on its back, orange on its belly, and a long blue beak. It is also fascinating that the wings change to blue that shines like emerald green by the light, and it is called "blue jewel on the waterside" even if it is a jade of gem.


At the Sencha Salon, the story went on with the theme of the kingfisher. It is unusual for a seat to have a Japanese-style painting like this. Most of them are ink paintings. The Kingfisher is often used as a subject in photographs because its color is very vivid. When you see it in the river, you often see two birds. In other words, like the mandarin duck, it is a bird that acts in pairs.


賛なしでカワセミが一羽 /  one kingfisher , expresses sadness

二羽いるはずのカワセミが一羽しか描かれてない。それもよく観れば、なんと悲しそうな表情になっている。文学的に言うと、カワセミは ”愛の象徴” を意味する。それが一羽で、悲哀感が表現されている。ということは、待てども来ない愛しい人を想い悩む描写ということになる。

Only one kingfisher, which should have two, is drawn. If you look closely at it, it looks like a sad expression. Literally speaking, the kingfisher means "a symbol of love". It is one and it expresses sadness. That means a depiction of anxious about a loved one who do not come.


While watching such a sad picture, I brewed Sencha into six times with cold water and enjoyed the taste that changed astringently with each time.

レポート /  渡邉雄二   写真 /  カワセミ画像より転載・一茶庵(お軸)

Reported by Yuji Watanabe

