稀な落語家「笑福亭鶴瓶」の、人を魅了する力 The power of the rare rakugo storyteller "Shofukutei Tsurube" to fascinate people
一昨日、久しぶりに大阪梅田の紀伊国屋に行った。入口を入り目に留まったのが落語家 笑福亭銀瓶さんのポスター。見ると「師弟」という書籍のPR。ご存じの方も多いと思うが、笑福亭銀瓶さんの師匠といえば、あの「笑福亭鶴瓶」さん。ポスターの前には少しながら平積みされていたので、ペラペラと捲ってみた。 “笑福亭鶴瓶からもらった言葉”、という副題がついていた。鶴瓶さんあっての銀瓶さん、そして他のお弟子さんも、そうである。それだけ鶴瓶さんの存在感が大きすぎる。師匠を越えての一人前というレッテルが張られている。銀瓶さんはその先陣を切って、師匠を踏み台に必死に頑張っている。師匠を越える日もそう遠くないような気もするが、さて。
The day before yesterday, l went to Kinokuniya book store in Umeda, Osaka for the first time in a long time. The poster of Ginpei Shofukutei, a rakugostoryteller, caught my eye at the entrance. That is the PR of the book "Master and Disciple". As many of you may know, the master of Shofukutei Ginpei is that "Shofukutei Tsurube". It was a little flat in front of the poster, so I rolled it up. The subtitle was "Words I got from Shofukutei Tsurube". The same is true for Mr. Tsurube, Mr. Ginbin, and other disciples. Mr. Tsurube's presence is too big. It is labeled as a full-fledged person beyond his master. Mr. Ginpei has taken the lead and is working hard with his master as a stepping stone. It seems like he won't be too far away from his master, but by the way.
l had heard the storyteller of Shofukutei Tsurube 14 years ago at Shochikuza Theater in Osaka. That time is only once later and earlier. There is an article that describes my impressions at that time, so I pulled it out and reprinted it.
Last night I went to Shochikuza Theater in Osaka to hear "Tsurube no Rakuda". It might be better to say that he went to see it. Two and a half hours without laughter. The wisdom of attracting the crowd and getting involved in a whirlpool of laughter is still extraordinary. It feels like a natural nature to imagine from his story. It is the essence of a genius. I think that's exactly what he heard when he was a child, high school, and aspiring to become a rakugoka and became a disciple.
As you know, Mr. Tsurube is a rakugoka. He said that it was 35 years since he became a disciple of Shokaku Shofukutei, the sixth generation. He laughed and lamented that he had never been trained as a disciple. Instead, he is a big success as a talent on TV. Popular people all over the country that everyone knows. He laughed, saying that he started rakugo in earnest five years ago. From that time on, he was planning a rakugo event like this one, "Tsurube no Rakuda." He has successfully completed 21 performances in 8 l places, starting with the Kaho Theater in Fukuoka. Tokyo is Kabukiza, and for the final performance, he chose "Shochikuza" in Osaka, where he was born and raised. He is the only one who can perform at Kabukiza and Shochikuza at rakugo and rakugo solo performances. It was such a great success that all the performances were overcrowded.
その最終公演の初日を観た。納得の演出が施されている。さすがテレビという媒体で鍛え抜かれた技と企画力に感心。落語会ではあり得ない価格8500円に文句言う人は誰一人としていないだろう、と思うほど見事なものだった。テレビの延長線上にある演出だけど、テレビでは出せない “生” 舞台を披ろう。存分に人間「鶴瓶」を見せてくれた。
I saw the first day of the final performance. Convincing production is given. As expected, I was impressed with the skill and planning ability thatwas trained in the medium of television. It was so wonderful that no one would complain about the price of 8500 yen, which is impossible at a rakugo party. It's an extension of TV, but let's show a "live" stage that can't be done on TV. He showed us the human "Tsurube" to his heart's content.
リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe