各像に納められていた摺佛を入れると「一万体千手観音」に 【三十三間堂】 If you put the Printed Buddha in each statue, it will become "10,000 thousand-armed Kannon" [Sanjusangendo]
Last week, I went from Nishi Hongan-ji Temple to Rengeoin. As you know, I went to see the thousand-armed Kannon of the Renge Ouin (Sanjusangendo). Designated as a national treasure in 2018, five of the original 1001 Kannon statues are held in the National Museums of Tokyo, Kyoto, and Nara, and currently 996 are enshrined in Sanjusangendo.
The Kannon image was actually "10,000 Kannon"! It was written that. The Kannon image has a hollow body due to the image formation method called "Yosegi Uchikuri". In the cavity, dozens or more of Buddha statues, which are woodblocks on boards and paper, are stored in each statue. If you add it, literally 10,000 Buddhas will be embodied. Therefore, it is also called 10,000 Kannon.
At the bottom right of the photo is "Suribotoke". The thousand-armed Kannon that I visit after a long time is like a vast world of salvation.
※トップの写真はポスターを撮影したもの Top of photo was taken from poster
リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photo by Yuji Watanabe