
秋の煎茶会のお軸は、茶の効能を詠いあげた茶詩【一茶庵稽古追想】  The axis of the autumn sencha party is a tea poem that describes the effects of tea


The shaft in the photo was hung at the Sencha party. It is filled with Chinese characters. We don't understand at all, so I asked teacher to explain it before the performance. What we found were that it was a tea poem that skillfully described the effects of tea. It was one of the greatest tea poems in the history of tea. The author is "Rodo" from the Tang dynasty.

What is written is the effect of tea. If you translate a part of it

三碗飲んで、俺のはらわたの中を探ってみると 文字五千巻が浮かんでくる。
四碗飲めば、軽く汗ばみ 平素の不満も毛穴から散っていく。
七碗で、もうこれ以上飲めなくなり ただ、両脇からそよそよと清風が起こるだけ。

Drink a first bowl to moisturize the throat.
If l drink the second bowl, l will not be lonely.
When I drank the third bowl and explored the inside of the belly, 5,000 volumes of letters came to my mind.
If l drink fourth bowl, l will sweat lightly and my dissatisfaction will be scattered from my pores.
If l drink fifth bowl, my skin and bones will be clean.
If l drink sixth bowl, l can feel like a hermit.
With seventh bowl, l couldn't drink anymore, and a clear breeze occurs from both sides.


Sencha is often brewed up to sixth sencha to enjoy the feeling of becoming a hermit, perhaps according to this tea poem. At this Sencha party, it was fourth sencha, so you should have been able to resolve usual dissatisfaction and return home.


リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 トップの写真/ 茶詩画像より転載 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

