禅寺「だるま寺(龍潭寺)」は井伊家の菩提寺。【淡海シリーズⅥ】 The Zen temple "Daruma-ji (Ryotan-ji)" is the bodhisattva temple of the Ii family.
近江八幡から彦根まで足を伸ばした。ご存知のとおり、彦根市は井伊家のお膝元であるため、歴史上では知名度が高い町である。井伊家は近江彦根藩の藩主で、幕末期の江戸幕府にて大老を務め、日米修好通商条約に調印し、日本の開国・近代化を断行した井伊直弼は彦根藩15代目の藩主。 城下町 彦根は、彦根城をはじめ歴史と深く関わった多くの寺院などが存在する。その一つが、2017年の大河ドラマ「女城主・直虎」で一躍有名になったお寺「龍潭寺(りょうたんじ)」である。
I went from Omihachiman to Hikone. As you know, Hikone city is a well-known town in history because it is the castle town of the Ii family. The Ii family was the lord of the Omi Hikone clan, was the elder in the Edo Shogunate at the end of the Edo period, signed the Japan-US Treaty of Commerce and Treaties, and carried out Japan's opening and modernization. Naosuke Ii is the 15th lord of the Hikone clan. Hikone, a castle town, has many temples such as Hikone Castle, which are deeply related to history. One of them is Ryotan-ji, a temple that became famous in the 2017 big drama "The Castle Lord Naotora".
彦根市の龍潭寺は、1600年に井伊直政が佐和山城(現・彦根市)主となった際に、静岡県浜松市にある井伊家の菩提寺である龍潭寺を分寺して建立された。それ以来、彦根の龍潭寺は井伊家の菩提寺になっている。 佐和山城主は、彦根藩の藩主だけでなく過去には石田三成が居城としていたという歴史のある城である。
Ryotan-ji Temple in Hikone City was built in 1600 when Naomasa Ii became the master of Sawayama Castle (currently Hikone City) in a branch of Ryotan-ji Temple, the bodhisattva temple of the Ii family in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Since then, Ryotan-ji in Hikone has become the bodhisattva temple of the Ii family. The Sawayama castle lord is a castle with a history that not only the lord of the Hikone clan, but also Mitsunari Ishida was the residence in the past.
枯山水庭園 & 書院 / Karesansui garden & Shoin
The Ryotan-ji Temple is synonymous with “Daruma Temple”. As you know, "Daruma Daishi" was the founder of Zen temple. As a result, "Dharma" is deeply associated with Zen Temple. There are no limbs, so there is no freedom, but "Daruma" is worshiped as the object of truth at Ryotan-ji Temple, as it is based on the Zen concept of seeing the truth in an immovable state like a wall.
As an annual event that originates from Daruma Daishi, Ryotan-ji Temple holds a "Dharuma Festival" on April 1 and 2 every year. It is a prayer for mercy and salvation, and it is unprecedented that about 3,000 Koboshi stand up in a row. (Top photo) Ryotan-ji has a modest atmosphere like a Zen temple.
The Shoin and the garden are not flashy, but the spine stretches naturally in a quiet appearance. The peach blossoms were in full bloom there. Therefore, the beauty is also outstanding.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & photo by Yuji Watanabe