
成福院の成道会に落語とバイオリン漫談が響く  Rakugo and violin comics echo at the Bodhi Day of Jofukuin


At Takarazuka's Jofukuin, the day before yesterday, the memorial service "Bodhi Day" was held to commemorate the day of the Buddha's enlightenment. We borrowed a sutra and read it within the range that can be read together, such as the Heart Sutra and the Mantra of Light.



After the memorial service, a dedication rakugo was performed by Yukishika Katsura, and laughter and applause echoed in the main hall. Mr. Yukishika just finished his uchideshi of Mr. Bunroku Katsura last year and was alone. First of all, he had a rakugo story, and although he was a young man. We heard a powerful rakugo story.
And he has a chat with his favorite violin. Yukishika is an artist who was in charge of the violin at the Kwansei Gakuin Orchestra. As a professional performer, he now mixes his performance with his laughter.

ご存じだろうか、大阪の環状線の各駅では電車が出発するときに当地に因んだメロディーが流れる。駅ごとのメロディーをバイオリンで奏でながら環状線巡りをする。これぞ “バイオリン漫談” の妙技として大いに楽しませてもらった。落語とバイオリンの音色にお釈迦さんもきっと笑っておられたはずである。

As you know, at each station on the Osaka Loop Line, a melody associated with the area is played when the train departs. While playing the melody of each station with a violin, go around the circular line. This was a great pleasure as a feat of "Violin Mandan". Bodhi Shaka must have been laughing at the rakugo and the violin tone.




Yukishika became a teacher at a local elementary school as soon as she graduated from university. He doesn't know what happened, but he enters the Katsura Bunroku family. I hope he will continue to work hard as a rakugoka who is expected to play an active role in the future.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 場所/ 成福院(宝塚) Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

※尾道・文化紀行ブログ/ https://asulight0911.com/hiroshima_onomichi/

