歴史ストーリーのある日本遺産のまち「尾道」が注目され続ける理由 !? そのⅠ「寺院の存在」 The reason why Onomichi, a Japanese heritage town with a historical story, continues to attract attention !? Part I "Existence of a temple"
Onomichi City is located in the southeastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture, has a population of 131,000 (surveyed in 2015), and has continued to prosper from the Heian period to the present day as a town centered on commerce. Based on the fishing industry, marine product processing industry, manufacturing industry, and agriculture, including the shipbuilding industry during the high-growth period after the 1940s, the tourism is currently (before the new Corona), and profits from the tourism are increasing considerably.
Before the new coronavirus turmoil, nearly 7 million tourists from Japan and abroad visited each year. The fact that it was registered as a "Japan Heritage" and the opening of the "Shimanami Kaido" to Shikoku greatly contributed to this, and it is gaining popularity as a scenic town.
The historical story that represents Setouchi is laying the foundation. One is the historical history of the Murakami Suigun (pirates) based in the Seto Inland Sea. There is no doubt that the power of the temple on one mountain has become a major foundation for the history of Onomichi and has contributed to the development of Onomichi.
In the Heian period, there was a manor of Bigo Otasho, which was managed by a powerful family, around Sera Town, which is located in the northern part of Onomichi. Prospered as a port of call for trade ships and Kitamaesen(ship). It is said that the wealthy merchants who gained strength in each era built a temple in Onomichi and donated it.
At that time, the wealthy merchants focused on worshiping the gods and Buddhas of the workers, and especially the fishermen and beach masters (the fishermen who supervise the fishermen and wholesale the fish and shellfish)) dealt with the sea next to the danger, so they went to the sea to the gods and Buddha. Many temples were built on the tail road to pray for safety. Onomichi, which prospered as a natural good port in the Seto Inland Sea, has passed the times while coexisting and co-prospering with temples.
現在、尾道の三山といわれる「大宝山 千光寺」、「転法輪山 浄土寺」、「摩尼山 西國寺」など真言宗系の大本山を中心に、それぞれの塔頭を含め25カ寺が存在する。時代をさかのぼると、寺院の数で一番多かったときで60数カ寺あっといわれている。
Currently, there are 25 temples, including the heads of each, centered on the main temples of the Shingon sect, such as "Daihozan Senko-ji", "Tenporinzan Jodo-ji", and "Manisan Saigoku-ji", which are said to be the three mountains of Onomichi.Going back in time, it is said that there are more than 60 temples when the number of temples was the largest.
And it is said that one of the reasons why the temple was built was that there are big rocks in every mountain of the three mountains like the huge rock of Senko-ji, and that it was made a sacred place had a great influence on the construction. The large rocks that existed here and there in the precincts were worshiped by people as a sacred body and eventually became a place of training. It eventually led to the construction of a temple in connection with Buddhism. In addition to the role of a temple to pray for the safety of local workers, it was around the end of the Heian period that many people began to gather as a place of training.
千光寺本堂横のご神体の巨岩(上) 岩肌に建つ千光寺本堂と尾道水道(下)
As an aside, when I looked it up, it seems that the temple of the Buddhist sect "Ji-shu", which I couldn't hear, played a big role. There are also 6 temples of the sect at that time in Onomichi. It is unusual for Ji-shu temples to be gathered in one town nationwide. Ji-shu is a sect of Pure Land Buddhism that emerged at the end of the Kamakura period, and its founder is said to be Ippen. The head temple is Shojyoko-ji Temple in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Many of the Ji-shu temples are deeply related to the prosperity of the "Hama-master" at that time. Among them, Ji-shu in particular is said to have accepted people without discrimination and at the same time became a "source of culture".
平安時代の終わりごろからから寺院を支え、江戸時代でも尾道には豪商がたくさんいて寺や神社を支えてきた。尾道の魅力でもある古い寺院や神社のほとんどが貴族や武士でなく商人によって建てられ、人々を支えてきた。 そして現在でも、尾道三山を始めとする寺院が歴史ストーリーをたずさえ数々の新しい情報を発信している。その文化に支えられてこそ、新しいものが生み出されていく。そしてまた次の世代へと繋がっていく。尾道の魅力を育んだのは、この瀬戸内海の地形によって創造されたものが時代を経ていまに繋がっている。そこには「寺院」の存在なくして尾道はあり得ないと言っても過言ではない。
It has supported temples since the end of the Heian period, and even in the Edo period, there were many wealthy merchants in Onomichi, supporting temples and shrines. Most of the old temples and shrines that are also the charm of Onomichi were built by merchants rather than aristocrats and samurai and have supported people. Even now, temples such as Onomichi sanzan are sending out a lot of new information even with historical stories. Only with the support of that culture will new things be created. And it will lead to the next generation again. What brought up the charm of Onomichi is that what was created by the topography of the Seto Inland Sea has been connected over time. It is no exaggeration to say that Onomichi would not be possible without the existence of a "temple" there.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二・栗山主税 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe・Chikara Kuriyama