
山門の「増長天」「広目天」が神呪寺の風格を示す  "Zochoten" and "Komokuten" at the main gate show the style of Kannou-ji

I often visit temples and shrines if I have an edge, but unfortunately if I don't have an edge, I don't have a chance to set foot. The other day, as I was guided by the relationship, I had the opportunity to visit a temple called "Kannou-ji" in Kabutoyamacho, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. This temple is a so-called local temple, about 20 minutes by car from the author's house.


名前は聞いたことがあるがいまだかつて訪ねたことはない。真言宗御室派の別格本山で由緒ある寺院である。六甲山系の一部にあたる甲山の山麓にあり、通称甲山大師(かぶとやまだいし)とも呼ばれている。寺号の神呪寺は神を呪うという意味ではなく、甲山を “神の山” とする信仰があり、この寺を 「神の寺(かんのじ)」としたことによるといわれている。
It was the Hirarin Festival held in May this year that connected us. The relationship was connected because the knee of Nyoichi monk, who revived the Heirin-ji Temple in Takarazuka, which was the venue, was a Kannou-ji temple. I followed the edge and worshiped.
I've heard the name, but I've never visited it before. It is a historical temple in the special headquarter of the Shingon sect Omuro school. It is located at the foot of Mt. Kabuto, which is a part of the Rokko mountain range, and is also known as Kabutoyamdaishi. The temple name, Kannou-ji, does not mean to curse the gods, but it is said that there is a belief that Mt.Kabuto is the "mountain of the gods" and that this temple is called the "temple of the gods<Kannoji>".

Surprisingly, the temple is located on the hillside of Mt Kabuto. Here are some of the things that caught my attention. First of all, the "Sanmon(gate)" that caught my eye this time. When I raised my smartphone and looked into the lens, I noticed that Buddha statues were enshrined on both sides of the Sanmon. I thought it was a statue of Nio, but when I looked closely, the statue of Buddha in Tenbe, the guardian deity of Buddhist law, was enshrined. When facing the gate, "Zouchiyoten" is on the right and "Konmokuten" is on the left. Many of the statues of Kongorikishi are enshrined at the gate, but here at Kannou-ji is a statue of Tenbe.



Among the statues of Tenbe, the four heavenly kings are the strongest gods who protect "Buddha" and "Buddha law" from evil. In addition to the character of a guardian god, there is also a god of good fortune who gives benefits to the people (people, etc.) who cannot be saved by the Buddha alone. It is said that Zhouchoten has a role to protect the south direction and Komokuten has a role to protect the west direction. Both Zhouchoten and Komokuten have sharp eyes and have the face of an angry phase. And they have a weapon in his hand and is probably enshrined at the gate as the guardian deity of Buddhist law.
It's a pity that it's hard to see, but it shows the prestigious style of Kanou-ji.


I would like to introduce the Kanou-ji Temple, which was guided by a new relationship, while unraveling the materials.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

