すべてが手作業、職人技の粋。おろし金製造・合田商店【これぞ! 職人技シリーズⅠ】 Everything is handcrafted and craftsmanship.
取材は2回目であるが、今回は株式会社アスライトのYou Tube チャンネル用の動画撮影である。「これぞ! 職人技シリーズ」の第一弾として紹介させていただく。
We interviewed "Copper grater" manufactured by Goda Shoten in Suminoe-ku, Osaka.
This is my second interview, but this time we are shooting a video for Youtube channel of Asulight Co., Ltd. Let me introduce this as the first video of "This is the Craftsmanship Series".
You can see the contents from the following address, but before that, let me introduce their work a little bit.
合田商店は住宅地の一角で、自宅の一階が工場(鍛冶屋)になっている。ここで合田八郎さん(67歳)がひとりで “おろし金” と “玉子焼き機” を製造している。今回は、おろし金にスポットをあてた。
Goda Shoten is a corner of a residential area, and the first floor of the house is a factory (blacksmith). Here, Hachiro Goda (67 years old) manufactures "grater" and "egg maker" by himself. This time, We spotted a grater.
The production of a grater consists of five steps. All processes are manual and require skilled craftsmanship. First of all, the work of starting with "die cutting", "tinning", "polishing", and then "raising the blades", which is the life of the grater. Finally, it is "molding" and completed.
In the process up to completion, "tinning" which is one of the skillful works involves placing pure tin (nearly 100%) on a heated copper plate, melting it, and spreading it over the entire surface. You can understand the difficulty just by looking at it. After that, make it carefully so that air bubbles do not hit. Then, the tinned portion is polished before sharpening.
After polishing, draw a tinting line for sharpening the tinned area. And then we start the raising the blades work.
On the grater placed on the table, the head of a small engraving blade like a nail for sharpening is smashed with a hammer. The hand with the sculpture blade moves naturally due to the recoil. Then hit it again. By repeating this, you can sharpen and become a grater blade. The blades with evenly spaced intervals are lifted up. It is a craftsmanship.
As is well known, the grater has raised blades on both sides and has rough and fine patterns. The Kansai area is finer on the front and rough on the back. On the other hand, Kanto is the opposite of Kansai. There seems to be a difference in such tools. I don't know for sure, but it seems to be because of differences in food culture.
What was even more surprising me was how he repairs. It seems to be sent from professional cooks all over Japan. It's a grater, but a gem that goes beyond the realm of ... When I saw it, it was all engraved where I had it. The personality that has been used for decades is exuding.
Now, please watch YouTube from the following address.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & Photo / Yuji Watanabe