おやじの琴線を揺らすのは「港の風景」 【尾道風景Ⅱ】 It is "the scenery of the harbor" that shakes the chord of the Elderly [Omichi scenery II]
尾道。瀬戸内で有数の観光地として人気を博している。観光に訪れるのは女性が多い。女性にとって見どころが多い町なのだろう。昔と今が適度に混在し “オシャレなまち” として心に響いているようだ。女性に限らず、男性にも魅力的な町として存在が高まっている。
Onomichi. It is gaining popularity as one of the leading tourist destinations in Setouchi. Many women visit for sightseeing. It's a town with many attractions for women. It seems that the old and the present are mixed moderately and it resonates as a “fashionable town”. Not only women but also men are becoming more attractive as a town.
それは、アクティブな活動から芸術文化の探訪、そして自然の恵による尾道グルメと郷土料理のコラボ。それに情緒観あふれる瀬戸内風景などあらゆる観光要素がつまっている。とくに女性の心を捉えてやまないのが「猫ちゃん」。狭い坂道に猫の風景が女性の “かわい~” の琴線を響かせている。
It is a collaboration between active activities, exploration of arts and culture, and Omichi gourmet and local cuisine with the blessings of nature. It is packed with all kinds of tourism elements such as the emotional scenery of Setouchi. In particular, "Neko-chan" captures the hearts of women. The scenery of the cat echoes the chord of a woman's "cuteness" on a narrow slope.
Omichi is full of tourist attractions and specialties, but it is the "landscape of the harbor" that shakes the chords of the elderly. I am drawn to the scenery that hasn't changed since long time ago. I felt that enjoying the old-fashioned scenery where you can immerse yourself in memories over time would be the centerpiece of sightseeing.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe