東福寺本堂に初めて入る。釈迦三尊像と蒼龍図の迫力に圧倒 Entered the main hall of Tofuku-ji Temple for the first time. Overwhelmed by the power of the Shakasanzon statue and the Soryu painting
Last month, I visited Sennyu-ji Temple in Higashiyama, Kyoto at the "Parinirvana Day", a memorial service for the extinction of Shaka, and then visited Tofuku-ji Temple. The reclining Buddha of Tofuku-ji Temple is displayed in the main hall at the time of the memorial service as a valuable heritage boasting the same size as Sennyu-ji Temple. Unfortunately, this year, the reclining Buddha was restored and could not be viewed.
In the main hall, the statue of Shaka Nyorai, the principal idol, and the statues of the Buddha's ten great disciples, Ananda and Kasho, are enshrined on the side of the statue. As if to protect the Shakasazon statue, the Soryu figure of Insho Domoto brush is drawn on the mirror ceiling about 22m east-west and about 11m north-south. It features sharply pointed corners and finely drawn scales. Normally, you cannot enter the main hall, but it was open to the public at the time of the Parinirvana Day. Tofukuji Temple has 25 branch temples centered on the main temple consisting of Sanmon, the main hall, Hojo, and the back of the warehouse. To the north of the main temple, there is a valley called Sengyokukan, and from the west to the east, there are Gaunkyo, Tsutenkyo, and Engetsukyo. Three bridges (Tofuku-ji Sanmei Bridge) is built. As you know, Tsutenkyo is a bridge where the corridor leading from the main hall is covered as it is, and this area is especially known as a famous spot for autumn leaves.
I couldn't see the reclining Buddha of Tofuku-ji Temple this year, but I was able to enter the main hall and worship the statue of Shaka Sanson. And I was able to look up at the Soryu painting from directly below. Since shooting was prohibited inside the main hall, I got permission from the outside to shoot.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe