
絹糸で色を奏でる日本刺繍の美しさ  The beauty of Japanese embroidery that plays colors with silk thread


At the embroidery workshop, I was shown the production site of Japanese embroidery. A rug that is often seen in temples and is sandwiched under the tabletop. I visited the Sanjo store of Wakosha, a workshop unique to Kyoto, where this rug is being restored.


For large items, stab each part and put them together in a thick piece of cloth. The one in the photo is. The main workshop is restoration, and after many years of use, the threads are worn out, so there are many requests for restoration from temples. Occasionally, Wakosha also works on the restoration of embroidery works of art such as Gion Matsuri and Jidai Matsuri.



This Wakosha is a company that has survived along with the so-called temples unique to Kyoto that clean and restore the garments and cloths worn by monks.
One of the operations is a restoration business specializing in embroidery, which is rare in Japan. It is operated as a separate business as the Kyoto Embroidery Restoration Studio. The workshop receives more than 100 repair requests a year and repairs and repairs mainly old embroidery made 100 or 200 years ago. The task of stabbing one needle at a time can be daunting. At the same workshop, it is carefully finished and embroidered with traditional techniques to continue to preserve traditional culture.
The embroidery technique is a treasure. The training of craftsman for that purpose is the greatest role of a company, and it is the most valuable asset for the survival of the company.


リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

