街に花が咲く。活動の輪が広がる。 「e-よこ会活動シリーズⅠ」 Flowers bloom in the city. The circle of activities expands.
After eating Zeeroku's ice cream in Sakaisuji Honmachi, Osaka yesterday, I was looking for "β Honmachibashi" I visited the facility that was completed at the end of last month.
In this area, there is a canal with a total length of about 3 km, the Higashi-Yokobori River, which divides from the Okawa (former Yodo River) to the south upstream from the Tosahori River and flows through Senba in Chuo Ward and Shimanouchi. Turn west and the downstream is the Dotonbori River. The Higashi-Yokobori River is the oldest Hori River in Osaka, which was excavated as the outer moat of Osaka Castle and runs under the Hanshin Expressway.
The "Higashi-Yokobori River Waterside Revitalization Council (e-Yokokai)" was established in 2006 to improve the environment around the Higashi-Yokobori River. The author has also helped me for a long time as a founding member. (Since I left this place 10 years ago, the activity is no touch)
The steady activities of the e-Yokokai have been fruitful, and this time, "playing," "learning," "working," and "living." The facility "β Honmachibashi" was completed to expand the possibilities, and the open ceremony was held on the 28th of last month.
Before introducing the facility, "e-yokokai", which is the basis of all activities so far Looking back a little, at that time, the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Regional Promotion Department on the east side of the Higashi-Yokobori River started by calling out to local people and companies in order to revitalize the area around the waterfront.
It seems that people in the surrounding area are still gathering and regularly cleaning the bridge over the Higashi-Yokobori River, which is part of that activity. When I was participating, I was washing the bridges of Hirano Bridge and Honmachi Bridge and bringing in green pots to plant flowers.
The Hanshin Expressway runs over the Higashi-Yokobori River, and the center of the bridge is covered with rain, so it was a hangout for street sleepers at that time. After all, bad odors and garbage were concentrated there. The monthly cleaning activity gradually came to fruition in collaboration with the city of Osaka. In particular, we focused on improving the environment of the bridge.
Occasionally, we also did a large-scale bridge wash. A total of about 40 people participated voluntarily despite Saturday. I also remember that the firefighters who volunteered to clean the bridge with a hose.
リポート & 写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe