
尾道・文化紀行ブログに尾道応援隊コーナー「おのみちラブパートナーズ」併設 Onomichi / Cultural Travel Blog with Onomichi Support Team Corner "Onomichi Love Partners"


The "Onomichi / Cultural Travelogue" blog started with the idea of disseminating information on Onomichi. The contents are full, but I started for the time being. Little by little, I'm thinking of building up something and making it a long-lived and enjoyable blog.

いろんなご縁に恵まれるようなことを創造し、それを実行していくために無い知恵を絞っている。その核になるのがやはり「人」。人の出会いなしではすべてのよい縁は生まれない。そのためにスタートしたのが、このブログ内にある「おのみちラブパートナーズ」という “仲間づくり” のコーナー。尾道を愛する人たちのグループで、参加者全員が尾道サポーター。尾道在住者、県外に住む尾道出身者の方々や尾道を応援したいという方々で構成される “尾道応援隊”である。

We are narrowing down the wisdom that we would like to have in order to create and carry out things that are blessed with various relationships. The core of this is people. No relationship can be born without meeting people. That's why we started "Making friends" called "Omichi Love Partners" in this blog. It is a group of people who love Onomichi, and all the participants are Onomichi supporters. It is a "Onomichi cheering party" consisting of people living in Onomichi, people from Onomichi who live outside the prefecture, and people who want to support Onomichi.





Participants are not only individuals but also companies and organizations. We will post their names in the "Omichi Love Partners" section of this blog. If you click on the name, it will be linked to each website, SNS, etc., and we hope that you can use it as a tool to increase the number of friends and promote interaction with them.
By the way, this is not an advertisement. Therefore, posting is free.
Please contact us if you wish. In addition, we may call you from here.

However, not everyone will be posted, and they will be those who comply with the conditions.
・ Individuals, groups, and companies that live in Onomichi and have a strong love for the locals.
・ Individuals, groups, and companies from Onomichi City who live in other prefectures and have a strong love for their hometown.
・ Individuals, groups, and companies that live in other prefectures (including overseas) and like Onomichi or have a strong relationship with Onomichi.
It seems to be stiff but thank you.

お申込み先並びにお問い合わせ/   ipc@wa2.so-net.ne.jp

「尾道・文化紀行」ブログ / BLOG /   https://asulight0911.com/hiroshima_onomichi/


