
官兵衛から中村陸軍大佐まで、姫路城歴史秘話ヒストリア。  From Kanbei to Colonel Nakamura, Himeji Castle Historical unknown episode Historia.


It took five and a half years to complete the preservation and repair work of the main castle tower, and the new Himeji Castle (Shirasagi Castle) appeared in the spring of 2016. A year before that, the NHK Taiga drama "Kuroda Kanbei" was aired, and the Himeji and Harima areas, where Kanbei was born, came to the spotlight at once, leading to the opening of the Himeji Castle regeneration the following year. Himeji Castle was lined up every day, thanks to the well-organized media, district heating, and the flow to rebirth.

「軍師 官兵衛」さんのお陰で、姫路城に関心をもった方たちも多いことだろう。私もその一人である。訪れた際に、城内で戦国時代の歴史ヒストリアとは少し異質な石碑を見つけた。石碑には「陸軍省 中村重遠大佐」と刻まれていた。

Thanks to "Gunshi Kanbei", there are probably many people who are interested in Himeji Castle. I am one of them. When I visited, I found a stone monument in the castle that was a little different from the historical historian of the Warring States period. The stone monument was engraved with "Colonel Nakamura, Ministry of the Army."

後で調べてみると、姫路城が存続しているのは、この中村大佐のお陰のようである。1878年、神戸清一郎が姫路城を手放すにあたり、中村重遠陸軍大佐が、陸軍卿 山県有朋に姫路城の存続を申し出たことによって存続することになったという秘話ヒストリアである。

When I looked it up later, it seems that Colonel Nakamura is the reason why Himeji Castle is still alive. In 1878, when Seiichiro Kanbe let go of Himeji Castle, Colonel Shigeru Nakamura offered to continue Himeji Castle by offering to Aritomo Yamagata, the Army Lord, and it is a secret story historian.


(The document stated that in 1871, Mr. Seiichiro Kanbe made a successful bid for 23.50 yen at the Himeji Castle auction of the Himeji Domain.)

1346年、赤松貞範が姫山に砦を築いたのが姫路城のはじまりのようである。そして大河ドラマ「軍師 官兵衛」にあったように1567年に黒田孝高(官兵衛)が家督を継ぎ、1580年に官兵衛は秀吉に姫路城を献じた。

In 1346, Sadanori Akamatsu built a fort in Himeyama, which seems to be the beginning of Himeji Castle. Then, as in the taiga drama "Gunshi Kanbei", Yoshitaka Kuroda (Gunshi Kanbei) succeeded the family in 1567, and in 1580, Kanbei dedicated Himeji Castle to Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Himeji Castle is 670 years old. How will history be further carved from now on? It is everyone's wish that nothing will change and that it will remain as a symbol of the world of peace in posterity.




レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

