
美しい、の最高点。[日本の美]シリーズ The highest point of beauty.


What is said to be beautiful in terms of "Japanese beauty"?
Although it is my shallow knowledge, I think that one of the definitions of beauty is that it is finely balanced. Although it is essential that all aesthetic elements such as shape and color are excellent.


Among the limited number of photos I took (smartphone shooting), this one photo (geisha back view) was made the top batter of the series entitled "Japanese Beauty". It's not a daily series, but in the Japanese Beauty series, I'd like to recommend it from my photos I have, but I hope you enjoyed it.


The beauty of this geisha's back view is a wonderful. The color pattern of the kimono, the combination of the kimono and the obi, and the balance with the scenery, the appearance of the geisha. The hand position, how to hold the fan, etc. are all the highest points in my photos.


レポート & 写真  /  渡邉雄二

Reported & Photo by Yuji Watanabe

