
毎年、池田で「社会人落語日本一決定戦」を開催。落語で元気になる町 Every year, Ikeda City hold the "Society Rakugo Japan's No. 1 Final Battle" in Ikeda. A town that is energized by rakugo

年に一度、社会人落語日本一決定戦が大阪 池田市で開催されている。2019年は新型コロナ騒動で中止だったが、第13回目となる昨年は、12月11日、12日に予選会と決勝戦が行われた。

Once a year, the amateur best rakugo storytelling championships in Japan is held in Ikeda City, Osaka. In 2019, it was canceled due to the new corona turmoil, but last year, the 13th time, the qualifying session and the final match were held on December 11th and 12th.
A total of 256 applications were received from Hokkaido, Okinawa, and overseas, from a wide range of age groups from 20s to 80s. Among them, 154 people who passed the preliminary examination were divided into 6 venues in the city the day before, and 10 people won the ticket to the final match. The next day, in the final battle, a heat ray was unfolded over the seat of the thirteenth master.


In the final match, Mr. Bunshi Katsura, the chairman of the Kamigata Rakugo Association and the general manager of the tournament, will be the chairman of the judging committee, Mr. Kobunshi Katsura, the illustrator Kuniharu Naruse, and Mie Hidaka, the editor of Yoshippi. As a result of a rigorous examination of four people, Totaro Kojiya (Tokyo) won the title of master. The runner-up was Mr. Saito Kinmokutei (Fukuoka), and the third place was Mrs. Tamao Tenjintei (Hyogo).


また、初代・二代目桂春團治の碑が市内の寺に建立されていることや、桂文枝氏が池田市在住ということなどの所縁で落語と池田市が繋がり日本初の「池田落語みゅーじあむ」が平成19年にオープン。池田市は上方落語資料展示館として、上方落語のDVDやCD、図書などが展示され “落語のまち、笑いのまち、元気なまち” を目指している。

This amateur best rakugo storytelling championships in Japan was born in 2009 as a project for the 70th anniversary of the Ikeda municipal organization. It is an event in Ikeda City where men and women of all ages from a wide variety of occupations gather in Ikeda to perform enthusiastically under the theme of rakugo, which is typical of working adults.
Ikeda City is known as a town closely related to rakugo. It is also the stage for rakugo such as "Ikeda no shishikai" "Ikeda no ushihome" and "Oni no men" in the classical rakugo performances above. The three performances often appeared in the rakugo story of the late Shijaku Katsura, who I liked.
In addition, the monument of the first and second generation Harudanji Katsura was erected in a temple in the city, and Mr. Bunshi Katsura lives in Ikeda City. "Mujiamu" opened in 2007. As an exhibition hall for Kamigata Rakugo materials, Ikeda City aims to be a "town of rakugo, a town of laughter, and a lively town" with DVD, CD, and books of Kamigata rakugo on display.


リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 写真は昨年のパンフレットを複写掲載



