9年前の痛ましい事故の犠牲者を供養 Memorial service for victims of a tragic accident nine years ago
一瞬、なんで? ここに花が、と思った。
On April 13, before the declaration of an emergency, I visited Kyoto for business and was walking along Shijo-dori toward Higashiyama. There was a man pouring water on a flower on a bulletin board at the corner of the Shijo intersection on Yamatooji-dori.
For a moment, why? I thought there was a flower here. Maybe it is a flower for the victims of a tragic car accident that happened nine years ago. I asked the man who was pouring water immediately.
He said "I think it is a memorial service for people who died in the accident that happened yesterday nine years ago."
It is said that every year on April 12th, he offers flowers.
Traffic accidents occur frequently all over the country. In particular, there are many accidents that cause many casualties due to runaway.
In this accident in Kyoto, light passenger cars ignoring traffic lights hit pedestrians crossing the pedestrian crossing one after another. The car repeatedly collided and stopped after colliding with a utility pole about 200 meters north. It was a tragic and tragic accident that killed a total of seven people, two pedestrians and five women.
It is an accident that we want to forget, but it is an event that you should not forget. l left the place thinking that we should stay somewhere in their memory and act restraint.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe