路地裏に咲く清楚なお茶の花 [一茶庵稽古追想] A neat tea flower that blooms in the back alley.
The last lesson started with taking out the tools contained in the box "Kendon" with a groove to fit the lid and door.
The karigane(tea's name) is tea, and the method of brewing is the tanagokoro. While enjoying the mellowness of the karigane. We enjoyed the change in brewing taste up to the third brew.
As you can see in the photo, the axis this time is a beautiful bird on a tree branch. White flowers are in bloom on the tree.
As usual, it started when the master asked, "What kind of tree is this?"
Hmmm, We just hear a growl. It's hard to imagine even if we say, "It's a tree with white flowers." The sect who boiled his work with a growl simply answered "Ocha no Ki".
Do flowers bloom on the tea tree? I was wondering. It's hard to imagine from the tea plantation, but beautiful flowers were blooming in the axis. The bright blue bird that stays on the branch is said to be a "lapis lazuli".
さて、このお軸の画のモチーフから浮かぶのは中国 楚の文人、陳璵義(チンヨギ)の詩。
By the way, what comes to mind from the motif of this axis painting is a poem by Chinese Chu literary artist, Chinyogi.
The autumn in Konan seen from the basket is beautiful.
The tea flowers that bloom along the road are in full bloom,
Have a fun conversation with a girl wearing a local blue skirt.
It means that. It seems that the girl is likened to a lapis lazuli. Konan tea is still famous. The mellowness of the karigane makes you feel the autumn of Hunan.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 トップの写真/ お茶の花画像より転載 場所/ 文人会一茶庵 Report & Photos by Yuji Watanabe