
鶴が、高貴な鳥といわれる所以 The reason why crane are said to be noble bird


Looking at the two cranes on the cover of Makie's address book, which is finished with lacquer, once I want to see the beautiful crane flying in the sky like this with my own eyes.

その鶴が “吉祥の鳥” といわれている所以がいくつかある。

In Japan, it is said that it was during the Heian period that the name "Tsuru" came to be called.


There are several reasons why the crane is said to be a “good-luck bird”.
As you know, since ancient times, cranes have been said to live for a thousand years, and are regarded as "a symbol of longevity." Also, since the crane is always a male and female, the crane is said to be a couple, and is said to be a "symbol of a good partnership." In addition, because the crying voice resonates and reaches far away, it is said to be a voice that reaches the heavens.


For these reasons, it may still be honored as a noble bird.


It's beautiful to live in nature, but what still comes to mind is the "Kyokujitsu Shokakuzu" by Ito Jakuchu. It is the figure of couple crane who celebrates the thousand years of good luck on the Asahi day.


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Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

