
Rural &Remote Health(欧文医学雑誌)に離島・へき地の医師育成についての論文が公開されました


Schubert NS, Tsuzaki T, Evans R, Sen Gupta T, Larkins S, Battye KM. Rural generalist medicine: a developing approach to health care in rural and island Japan. Rural and Remote Health 2024; 24: 8641.

2019年、オーストラリアのリサーチパートナー Nick Schubert、ゲネプロの齋藤学先生、国際学会に参加されていた医療関係者の方々と西日本縦断をしながら実施した調査です。







Schubert NS, Tsuzaki T, Evans R, Sen Gupta T, Larkins S, Battye KM. Rural generalist medicine: a developing approach to health care in rural and island Japan. Rural and Remote Health 2024; 24: 8641. https://doi.org/10.22605/RRH8641

This research was conducted in 2019 while traveling across western Japan with my Australian research partner, Dr. Manabu Saito of Genepro, and medical professionals participating in the WONCA APR Kyoto 2019 annual conference and Japan Primary Care Association.

Co-authored by a team of six researchers.

My research with Australian people was always positive yet serious, and I was truly blessed to have research colleagues.

However, since I was the only Japanese person, I was nervous as I conducted preliminary research in Japanese, schedule adjustments, questionnaire design, translation, follow-up surveys, and research on Japan's domestic system. Knowing that I could play my part and accomplish my task was fulfilling!

The project was temporarily suspended due to Covid-19, but after four and a half years, we could finally send the results of our research to the world!

I hope it will become a valuable resource for communicating to the world the structure of Japan's medical training programs on remote islands and remote areas.

Special Thanks to Dr. Yuji Ito, Dr. Takahiro Yasaka, Dr. Kimiaki Tanaka, Dr. Manabu Saito and graduates of Genepro's Rural Generalist Program Japan!
