英文契約書の単語と用語 日時・期限・期間について (その2)
契約書翻訳に際して、外すことができない構成要素の1つが「日時・期限・期間」についての事柄です。今回も前回に引き続き、作成した例文を通して英文契約書の「日時・期限・期間」について「とりあえず知っておくと便利な事柄」について見てみます。前回の「英文契約書の単語と用語 日時・期限・期間について(その1)」の続きです。
5. 契約の解除日
(a) Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon a prior written notice to the other party at any time.(いずれの当事者も、他方当事者への書面による事前の通知により、いつでも理由を問わず本契約を解除することができる)
(b) This Agreement may be terminated immediately upon a written consent of the parties hereto if the following events occur:
by a prior written notice to a party who commits the following event:
The Company, in its sole discretion, may terminate this Agreement without any liability at any time.(当社は、独自の裁量により、いかなる責任も負うことなくいつでも本契約を解除することができる)
(c) XXX has the right to immediately terminate this Agreement without any notice to YYY if YYY commits any of the following events:
(d) If the delay or non-performance of either party continues for a period of three (3) months due to reasons of force majeure, then either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect.
(a) (b)は事前通告あり、(c)は、事前通告ありで一方当事者が解除権を持つ、(d)は、不可抗力に理由により、解除までの期間がある例。
6. サービスの開始日またはサービスの期間
The License shall commence on the date when the Application is downloaded into the Customers’ device set forth in this Agreement and will terminate on the earlier of the date the Application is removed from the said device or the date of termination of this Agreement.(本ライセンスは、本契約に規定されている顧客のデバイスにアプリケーションがダウンロードされた日に開始され、アプリケーションが当該デバイスから削除された日または本契約の終了日のいずれか早い日に終了します。)
ABC Company (hereinafter referred to as “Licenser”) shall, during the term of this Agreement, grant the right to XYZ Company (hereinafter referred to as “Licensee”) to use the ABC Trade Marks on the terms and conditions of this Agreement in the Territory set forth herein.
8. 物品・製品の発注、受注、納品など
The Purchaser shall place purchase orders for the Product set forth in this Agreement at least xxx weeks in advance of the expected shipping date from xxx.(買主は、xxx からの出荷予定日の少なくとも xxx 週間前に、本契約記載されている製品の発注書を発行するものとする)
The Purchaser shall place an order for the Product under this Agreement by specifying product name, quantity, price, place of delivery, the required deliver date and other necessary particulars and an individual trade agreement in respect of the said Product shall be deemed to have been established when the Buyer has accepted the said order.
The Buyer shall place purchase orders set forth in the Exhibit and the Purchaser shall accept the purchase orders through the electronic transmission.(買主は、別紙に記載の注文書を発行し、売主は電子送信を通じて本注文書を受諾する)
The Supplier shall deliver the goods to the place and at the delivery date designated in the purchase order.
The delivery date of the Products shall be the date of delivery of the Products to the place of delivery designated in the respective purchase order.
9. 支払い日についてのいくつかの類型の記述
The payment shall be made on the due date specified in the Purchase Order.(支払いは注文書に指定の期日に行われる)
All sums due by the Licensee to the Licenser on the date of expiration or termination of this Agreement shall be immediately due and payable and the Licensee shall immediately pay them.
The payment shall be due within 15 days of the date stated on the invoice.
The payment is due net immediately after receipt of the invoice.
The payment for the rent shall be made as and when due and payable.
due and payableは、「支払期日が到来し、支払い義務が生じている」の意味の定型句です。
All payments shall be made in the manner and at the location directed in writing when due and payable.
If the Licensee fails to pay its royalty payable by its due date and the Licensor will deem such failure as a breach of this Agreement, its obligations to the Licensor including the payment of such royalty shall be immediately due and payable.
If the Buyer fails to pay its obligations to the Seller when due date, the Seller may request, upon written notice to the Buyer, all sums immediately due and payable.(買主が売主に対する債務の支払いを期日までに行わない場合、売主は書面による買主への通知により、直ちに支払われるべき全額を要求することができる)
In the event that any of the following non-fulfilment of this Agreement occurs, all obligations hereunder shall become immediately due and payable:
Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, all amounts owing hereunder between the parties hereto shall become immediately due and payable.
due、due date、payment due、due and payable等は常套句です。これらの言葉は辞書等にも詳しい説明があります。
The New Oxford Dictionary of English (Oxford University Press)