【DAY2】利他的リーダーシッププログラム 開催レポート | 上智大学
今回は、上智大学直営寮 利他的リーダーシッププログラムDAY2の様子をお届けします。
Hello, everyone.
We are the Altruistic Leadership Program office.
This is the Day 2 of Altruistic Leadership Program.
・利他的リーダーシッププログラムとは? | What is Altruistic Leadership Program?
・自然環境のために何ができる?~大塚桃奈’s story~| What we can do for the environment? ~Ms.Otsuka Momona’s story~
・クロストーク| Cross Talk
| What is Altruistic Leadership Development Program?
Altruistic Leadership Program is to learn what we can do to solve social issues in the Zero-waste town, Kamikatsu town, Tokushima Prefecture.
The program is a practical program to learn altruistic thinking through team activities.After finishing all four sessions, applicants can go to the fieldwork in the Kanto area if they wish.
DAY 2の今回は、ゲストスピーカーとして大塚桃奈さんをお招きし、講演とファシリテーターやゲストによるクロストークを行いました!
Day2, Ms.Otsuka was invited to the program, gave the lecture and cross talked by facilitators and guests.
自然環境のために何ができる?~大塚桃奈’s story~|
What we can do for the environment? ~Ms.Otsuka Momona’s story~
大塚さんのお話は大変ユニークでした。大塚さんは、高校生の時にファッションデザイナーになる夢を持ち、ファッションデザインを学びに海外に留学。学びを深めていく中で「ザ・トゥルー・コスト〜ファストファッション 真の代償〜」の映画に出会い、ショックを受けたことが大塚さんの転機になったといいます。「自分は環境問題に対して、何を寄与できるだろうか?」この問いを持ったことがゼロ・ウェイストの活動を始めるきっかけとなりました。行動を起こすにあたり「自分自身が何を感じたのか」が重要であることが受講生に伝わった、学びの多い講演となりました。また、現在行われているゼロ・ウェイストの活動についてもご紹介していただきました。上勝町では細かく決められているゴミ出しのルールを町民のみんなで協力しあって守り、システムを循環させているそうです。「人との繋がり」を大切にした実践例が受講生の良い刺激になったのではないでしょうか?
Ms.Otsuka’s story was quite unique. She had a dream of becoming a fashion designer when she was in high school, and went abroad to study fashion design. As she continued her fashion studies, she came across the film "The True Costs ~The True Cost of Fast Fashion" and shocked. “What can I contribute to the environment?” This question was the starting point for Zero Waste's activities.
She made clear that it is important to ask yourself, "What did I feel?” to take action further. The lecture may become a new learning experience for the participants.
Also, she introduced the ongoing Zero Waste project. There are detailed rules for garbage disposal in Kamikatsu-town.The town's residents work together to follow the rules, and the system is circulating. Practical examples of the importance of "human relationship" were surely a good stimulus for the participants.
クロストーク| Cross Talk
The guest talk was followed by a crosstalk. Facilitator and guests discussed the topic "What is an ideal leader?".Very attracted to the words "Soft communication."
Facilitator : Mr. Ken Ikeo
Guests : Ms. Momona Otsuka & Ms. Hatsuho Kinjo
Indeed, the leader must lead the group, and if the leader is lost, everyone would lost as well. However, too much power makes it difficult for those around them to follow the leader too. "Soft communication" is an important skill to build good relationships with collaborators and lead projects to success. It would be nice if we could conduct the project in a warm atmosphere, sympathizing with what the other party is thinking as well.
Thank you for reading.
We hope that each team will be able to have a deepened discussion and take action to solve the social issues that they have thought of this time.
Based on Mr. Otsuka's talk and the crosstalk, we will do our best to make a presentation that will have a social impact by involving the people around us.
Our next session will be on May 10th! Enjoy!