
CIAの将校1人、対する米軍兵士5人が死亡…。マスゴミ報道はウソばかりなので、信じられないかもしれませんが、現在アメリカは【 内戦状態 】 です。 アメリカの南北戦争以来です。




・銃撃戦により犠牲者が出てしまったが、サーバーを押収する事に成功し、トランプ大統領の個人的なインテリジェンス・グループに渡された。そして、そこを率いているのは、(ディープ・ステートなどによって) 濡れ衣を着せられていたが、最近トランプ大統領によって恩赦されたマイケル・フリン氏。   


Situation Update – Nov. 27th – DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe – NaturalNews.com

…there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.

One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being “killed in Somalia.” Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a “helicopter crash” in Egypt.

Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to President Trump’s private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret information, since his security clearance has been restored.
